In: Operations Management
Message Strategies: Responding to Rumors and Public Criticism
Spreading FUD—fear, uncertainty, and doubt—about other companies is one of the less-honorable ways of dealing with competition in the business world. For example, someone can start a “whisper campaign” in the marketplace, raising fears that a particular company is struggling financially. Customers who don’t want to risk future instability in their supply chains might then shift their purchasing away from the company, based on nothing more than the false rumor.
Your task: Find the website of any company that seems interesting. Imagine you are the CEO and the company is the subject of an online rumor about impending bankruptcy. Explore the website to get a basic feel for what the company does. Making up any information you need, write a post for the company’s blog, explaining that the bankruptcy rumors are false and that the company is on solid financial ground and plans to keep serving the industry for many years to come. PLEASE! Do not copy and paste the other answer to this question! It doesn't make much sense and isn't a great answer.
Thank you in advance!