In: Computer Science
DoubleClick focuses on three main metrics: cost-per-click (CPC), click-through rate (CTR), and transaction conversion rate (TCR). What other metrics can you think of that can be used to measure and compare the performance of different SEM campaigns? Explain
Q.DoubleClick focuses on three main metrics: cost-per-click (CPC), click-through rate (CTR), and transaction conversion rate (TCR). What other metrics can you think of that can be used to measure and compare the performance of different SEM campaigns?Explain
Quality Score: This is a metric whic is created by google that tells them how relevant your ad content using metrices like CTR and performance variables.scored between 7-10 ,said to be good score means you pay less money to advertise with Google Ads and score 6 or lower said to be bad score means you pay more money.Google’s changes to Quality Score reporting made Quality Score easier for advertisers to use in Google Ads and began providing historical data about the KPI as well.
Conversion Rate (CVR): this is not only an indicator of campaign success but also reason PPC are hired in the first place.Actually you can measure the conversion rate in google ads by dividing the number of conversion the campaign received by the total clicks. Since conversion rate is expressed as a percentage, if the campaign had 100 clicks and 10 conversions, 10/100 means that the conversion rate would be 10 percent.
Impression Share (CPM) : An impression occurs when a person sees your ad. It doesn’t matter whether they click on it.Looking at how many impressions a campaign generated isn’t an indicator of success because it doesn’t express how many people found your ad effective.However, impression share does add context to the reporting story by stating how much of the total impressions your ad campaigns are getting.
Lifetime Value(LTV) : LTV is an indicator of account health and of a PPC marketers abilities but calculating customer lifetime value for paid search is quite complex.While LTV is a measure of a business’s customers lifetime with their product and/or services, it can be measured in different ways.For example, in the case of a martech provider LTV could be measured simply by looking at the number of days, months, or years a client stayed with the platform.