In: Psychology
How are socioeconomic, ethnic, and gender differences reflected in language
The socioeconomic, ethnic and gender differences is significantly reflected languages. With socioeconomic classes the style of speech and pronouciation of the words also changes with difference in socioeconomic classes. People from different ethnicity have a specific language attached to the culture and ethnicity that they learn. The language is associated with the identity of a certain ethnicity. Therefore the language is a very significant part of any ethnicity. And when it comes to gender, the language reflects the treatment of genders in a society, like we can see that most of the curse words in most languages are related to women and body parts of women, this shows the inequality and mediocre position of women in a society. Also the tough, harsh things are used with masculine adjectives and verbs whereas tender, fragile things are used with feminine adjectives and verbs. Therefore language reflects every side and faces of the society be it gender, socioeconomic Condition or ethnicity.