In: Anatomy and Physiology
Is there gender differences in the neuronal representation of language?
Is there gender differences in the neuronal representation of language?
Answer:Yes,there is a general differences in gender while considersing to neuronal representation of language.Bilateral activation in the inferior frontal and superior temporal gyri and in the left fusiform gyrus of girls is great when compared to boys as per many researches. Activation in the left inferior frontal and fusiform regions of girls was related with linguistic accuracy of stimulus modality, whereas correlation with performance accuracy in boys depends on the presentation of the words. This pattern can says us that girls rely on a supramodal language network, whereas boys process visual and auditory words differently. Activation in the left fusiform region was an addition with performance on standardized language tests in which girls performed better, additional evidence of its role in early sex differences for language.Accurate performance among boys and girls depends on different brain regions, such as reflecting different ways to linguistic processing despite extensive merging in activated regions. Girls make language judgments based on linguistic content by accessing a common language network regardless of the sensory input, whereas boys rely on amodality-specific network.