In: Psychology
Provide two examples of closed-loop control and two examples of open-loop control in human movement
Cloose loop control system:
Here output of the system is monitoring and give also feedback.
An example of choosen loop system in human movement is consider walking in stright line drawn on the ground .if your eyes is open , you get feedback in where are you stepping and correct any mistep you is easy to walk stright correctly.if your eyes is closed , the only thing to go your judgement how stright you are walking and you will probably quick wallk off the line.
Another example is slowly we start our external object into closed loop like learning to ride bicycle, car , bike so on.
Open loop control system:
Open loop system is reffred to non feedback system and inputs of controller system is internal human movement , information from peripheral sources enter the higher center of centeral nervous system where it operated on and trnsform into information necessary for movement patterning.playing shot with squash( excutive motor, feedback via brain and , movement) gymnest balancing , (excutive motor , feedback via muscles and movement).