
In: Computer Science

how to create file: vim hello<your name>.py print “Hello <your name>!” on ubuntu

how to create file: vim hello<your name>.py
print “Hello <your name>!” on ubuntu


Expert Solution

There are two major versions of python.

  1. Python 2
  2. Python 3

In Python2, we use

  • print "Hello XYZ!"

In Python3, we use

  • print("Hello XYZ!") # We use the parenthesis



    • Open terminal
    • Type vim
    • Now a file editor will be opened.
    • type i => i for insert
    • write print "Hello XYZ!" as shown
    • now write :wq
    • colon w q aithout any spaces
    • now run your program using python2

2. IF YOU ARE USING PYTHON 3 {Just replace XYZ with your name}

  • Open terminal
  • Type vim
  • Now a file editor will be opened.
  • type i => i for insert
  • write print("Hello XYZ!") as shown # parenthesis added
  • now write :wq
  • colon w q aithout any spaces
  • now run your program using python3 # Python3

file data in python2

file data in python3

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