
In: Computer Science

Using Python Shell 2.7, create a file called Create an array based on a basic...

Using Python Shell 2.7, create a file called

Create an array based on a basic array

Create a for loop that will print the array

index the array, print out the index

append an element to the array, print out the array

insert an element into the array, print out the array

pop an element from the array, print out the array

remove an element from the array, print out the array

reverse the order of the array, print the array


Using Kali Linux

Take snips of the following:

Create an array using numpy, print the array

Find elements of that array that are larger than a number; Return a boolean value

Create an array of all zeros, print

Create an array of all ones, print

Create a 2x2 identity matrix, print

Create an array filled with random values, print


Expert Solution

import numpy as np

#Create an array based on a basic array


#Create a for loop that will print the array

for i in basicArray:

print i

#index the array, print out the index

for i in range(0,len(basicArray)):

print i

#append an element to the array, print out the array


print basicArray

#insert an element into the array, print out the array


print basicArray

#pop an element from the array, print out the array


print basicArray

#remove an element from the array, print out the array


print basicArray

#reverse the order of the array, print the array


print basicArray



#Create an array using numpy, print the array


print numpyArray

#Find elements of that array that are larger than a number; Return a boolean value


print a

#Create an array of all zeros, print


print z

#Create an array of all ones, print


print o

#Create a 2x2 identity matrix, print


print I

#Create an array filled with random values, print


print R

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