
In: Computer Science

Open the terminal and using vi/vim create a new script and name it lab6 Insert at...

  • Open the terminal and using vi/vim create a new script and name it lab6
  • Insert at the top of your file a comment with your name, class and section number (e.g. #John Doe, EMT 2390L - OL123).
  • In this lab you are going to display a multiplication table of a number entered by the user between 2 and 10 using a for loop and without using multiplication. The table will display the values that are less than or equal to 100.
  • Ask the user what multiplication table to display and save that value in a variable named table.
  • Validate the value of the variable table so that it is a number between 2 and 10 inclusive.
  • Using a for loop, display the values of the multiplication table of the number entered by the user in the variable table, going up to 100.
  • Save the script and make it executable (HINT: use the chmod command with mode 755).
  • Execute the script (HINT: use dot slash ./ combination, followed by your script name) and fix any errors.
  • Submit here on Blackboard your script file. DO NOT submit screen shots, ZIP files, or any other kind of file. Submission is on Blackboard ONLY. DO NOT send emails or messages, use the Blackboard link to the lab in order to submit.
  • Deadline: 10/28 at 11:59PM


Expert Solution



NOTE: I hope in this question you need a shell script for the multiplication table till 100 between 2 and 10 inclusive.

I am assuming that you can open the terminal and create a using vim command and put your name, and other things asked. If there is any problem you face on this, kindly revert back to me.

For your shell script code is given below you can add this to your new_script file.



#reading the number
echo "Enter a Number"
read n

# Checking for the condition

if (( $n<2 || $n>10 ))
#If they are not between 2 and 10 inclusive then print this
echo "Please input the values between 2 and 10 inclusive."

# printing the multiplication table for input value upto 100;
while [ $i -le 100 ]
   echo " $n x $i = `expr $n \* $i`"
   i=`expr $i + 1`

Input and ouput with code snippet is attached below.


In terminal, write


then excecute












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