In: Psychology
1. According to scientists, there are two types of sleep. On is the Non-rapid eye movement sleep which is also called as the quiet sleep, and the other is the Rapid eye movement sleep which is often called as the active sleep or the paradoxical sleep.
There are basically 4 stages of sleep. Let us discuss them one by one.
While you are entering your sleep, you are comparatively alert and awake in the beginning and your brain is generating the beta waves. While you go longer into sleep, the brain starts relaxing sown and alphas waves which are comparatively slow, are generated. You may experience unknown and vivid sensations during this time which are called the hypnagogic hallucinations. Another phenomenon very common during this hour is the myoclonic jerks. You might feel startled sometimes for no reason, this is because of these jerks.
The Non-rapid eye movement stage 1
This is the beginning is the light sleep and sometimes is considered as a transition from awake period to sleep. Theta waves are produced and this stage is for a very short time, for 5-10 minutes in sleep.
The Non-rapid eye movement stage 2
This stage is when you go a little into sleep and became less aware of your environments and your body temperature lowers. Your breathing becomes normal and the brain starts generating wave activity called sleep spindles.
The Non-rapid eye movement stage 3
In this stage, our muscles will relax and breathing will become low. This is the deep sleep stage which is also called the delta sleep. You will become least responsive and surrounding disturbance will not be noticeable. Most of the people experience wetting the bed and sleepwalking in this stage of the sleep.
Rapid eye movement sleep
During this period the brain becomes active and you experience dreams when your eyes are in a rapid movement. The respiration rate increases and brain engage in more activities.
2. Sleep latency: It is defined as the time period between the lights are turned off and you enter the light sleep stage. This is also called as the sleep onset latency.
Sleep: The period when your body is in complete relaxation stage and muscles are relaxing. Since mind cannot be stopped, it continues to engage in activities during this time.
Sleep period: It is also known as the sleep cycle which is the oscillation between the slow waves called the alphas waves and Rapid eye movement stage of the sleep.
Sleep efficiency: It can be defined as the quality of sleep which is ultimately important for any individual for effective working. There are factors that define the sleep efficiency like sleeping for how many hours.
3. It should be noted that for teenagers these are important during their sleep:
Lights are turned off as it interrupts with brain activity and body is not in a complete relaxed state
They do not sleep for more than 10 hours as it makes their body lethargic
They should not be using any sleep enhancing medicines
They should have less disturbance in the surroundings.
4. The different factors that define the quality of sleep
The number of hours you slept.
If you saw any dreams
How fresh you feel after waking up
Minimal environment disturbance
Stress and pressure of work.
It should be noted that a lot of factors affect your sleep like lighting, sleeping environment, shift-based work, medication and jetlag. If you are experiencing body pain or other pain, that might also hinder with your sleep quality. Anxiety and stress are common issues that does not allow body to take proper rest.
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