In: Psychology
POS 220
Answer 4 of the following questions in approximately 4-6 sentences
1)Identify and explain the three indicators of power.
2)Identify and explain four ways the Corporate Community is powerful outside formal politics.
3)Identify and define the three components of the Policy Planning Network.
4)Identify the three organizations involved in the Opinion Molding Process and explain what each does.
5)Identify and define the 4 aspects of Hamilton's ''energetic executive.”
6)What Supreme Court case established judicial review? Identify two court cases where judicial review led to an increase in corporate power.
7)Identify and explain four ways in which Congress is restrained in its lawmaking power.
Q-1) power is the ability to produce intended effects, said by Russel.
There are many indicators of power in a society but three most
importants ones are
1) Those having access or possession of the things that
are valued in the society
2) who takes the position that are considered to be powerful
say, who is President , cabinet member, judge or senator.
3) One who is able to convince aother either by force or by soft
skilss. It means one who wins when there are arguments over issues
is considered more powerful.
Q-3) Three components of Policy Planning Network are
a)Foundations give grants which can be used for health and
education , for pro poor policies . These are tax free institutions
and are important component.
b)Think Tanks are generally non profit organisations that provides
expertise which is harnessed to study policy effectiveness and also
the exploring the policy alterntaives .
c)Policy disccussion organisation are non partisan groups who
discusses the issues. These are generally made of business
executives , academic expert , legal experts , government officials
and media. Their debates and final conclusions are made public
through media or periodic reports.
Q-6)In 1803, Marbury versus Madison was the first Supreme Court case where the Court established its authority for judicial review to strike down a law as unconstitutional..
Dartmouth College v. Woodward, in this case Court ruled that a state legislature cannot change the charter of a college .
Historians believe that the decision greatly encouraged business investment and growth. Corporations are also chartered by states. It states can't pass laws to impair those charters, then businesses are more secure. They are also more apt to attract investors, employ workers, and to add to the national prosperity.
Q-7) Limitation on congress law making power are
a)Congress cannot pass ex post facto laws, which outlaw acts
after they have already been committed. b)it is not permitted to
pass bills of attainder, which punish individuals outside of court
c)It cannot suspend the writ of habeas corpus, except during
national emergency.
d)both houses must pass identical versions of the same law before
the law can take effect.