
In: Economics

Respond to each of the following questions in 4-6 Sentences or more. How should agriculture be...

Respond to each of the following questions in 4-6 Sentences or more.

  • How should agriculture be incorporated into economic development plans? Is your answer dependent on the characteristics of the economy we are talking about (rich/poor, small/large)?
  • Do you think relief and aid should usually be provided in the form of cash or goods (e.g., TOMS shoes)? Why, and under what circumstances?
  • Should genetically modified crops be subject to stricter regulation and labelling? Why or why not?


Expert Solution

The imporatance of Agriculture in the economic developmnent of any country, rich or poor, carries out by the fact that it is the primary sector of the economy which provide the basic necessary ingredeints for the hman being angd also provides most of the raw materials which transformed into finished goods, serve as basic necessities of the mankind. In aagrarian economy, agriculture plays a most strategic role from several point of veiw. At a minimum, farm production must be increased rapidly enough to keep pace with population growth, However, in a speedy industrilizing economy, this is not enough. Industrilization necessarily brings with it urbanisation and a rapid expansion of the industrial labour force. This may be expected to bring a rising in per capita demand for food, agriculture must provide many of the raw materials for industry. Agriculture is not only a supplier of goods for domestic and export needs, but is also a supplier of goods for domestic and export needs, but also a supplier of production factors such as capital and labour. A raipdly wxpanding industrial sector necessarily drawws some of its labour force from the rural areas. Moreover, in one form or another, agriculture is called upon to save and finance a significan part of the investment for an expansion of industrial plant, transport and other sectors as well. Yes, this answer is dependent on the characteristic of the rich/poor, small/large group of economy.

Yes, I think relief and aid should usually be provide in form of cah or goods. Because, Relief refers to the provision of essential, appropriate and timely humanitarian assistance to those affected by a disaster, based on an initial rapid assessment of needs and designed to contribute ffectively and speedily to their early recovery. It consist of the delivery of a specific quantity and quality of goods o a quantifeid group of beneficiaries, according to selection criteria that identify actual needs and the groups that are least able to provide them for themselves. Relief can be provide in terms both good and cash. In certain circumstances, a more appropriate, efficient and effective way of deliveringemergency aid might be to distribute vouchers (to be exchanged for a limited range of essential items) or even cash to victims of disasters, here local markets are able provide the required items. A nd alsp relief can be provide in terms food ,sheltor. etc. Aids can provide in both cash and good . sending cash is also faster than shipping the goods.

Different countries have developed diverse regulatory approaches to genitically modifeid corps. The elements sceintific risk assssment are broadly similar among regulatory system, but policy decisions which inherently reflect different political and cultural perspectives on risks and bebefits vary considerably. Different cultural traditions, environmental and other societal conditions, and risk tolerance influence decision makers and they face political pressures from diverse groups environmntal and food safety groups, organic crop producers, large scale farmers, animal producers, consumers, multinational agricultural companeis,and other entities involved in the complex global food production and disribution chain.

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