In: Nursing
Complete your an annotated bibliography of your research topic and your research on the articles below.
1. Douglass.A.B, Bope E.T, Evaluation and Treatment of Posterior Neck Pain in Family Practice. Retrieved
2. Vihstadt. R. Maines. M, Westrom. KShort term treatment versus long term management of neck and back disability in older adults utilizing spinal manipulative therapy and supervised exercise: aparallel-group randomized clinical trial evaluating relative effectiveness and harms. Retrieved from
3. Freburger. J. K., Carey. T.S., Holmes. G.M., Wallace. A.S., Castel. L. D., J. D. Darter., Jackman. A. M. Exercise Prescription for Chronic Back or Neck Pain: Who Prescribes It? Who Gets It? What is prescribed? Retrieved from
4. Côté P, Cassidy J D, Carroll L. The Saskatchewan Health and Back Pain Survey. The prevalence of neck pain and related disability in Saskatchewan adults. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 1998;23(15):1689–1698.
Evaluation and treatment of posterior neck pain in family
Neck pain is almost universal ans is a common
patient complaint. most symptoms include from biomechanical
sources,such as axial neck pain,whiplash-associated disorder,and
rediculopathy. most symptoms will be cured with short
interventions. There is relatively little high-quality treatment
evidence available and no consensus on mangement of axial neck pain
or radiculopathy. The goal of diagnosis is to identifying the
anatomic pain generations.
Patient history and examination are important in
distinguishing potential causes and identifying red
flags..diagnostic imaging should be ordered whwn it is necessary
only.First line drug treatment include
--Acetaminophen, cyclo-oxygenase 2-specific
-- Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, short-term
use of muscle relaxants
--opioids can be used if there is treatment
--Adjuvent anti depressants and anticonvulsants should
be considered in chronic and neuropathic pain and depression.
--Epidural steroids for radiculopathy
If symptoms not resolved in 4 to 6 weeks re-evaluation and
additional workup should be considered.
2, Exercise therepy and manual therepy like spinal manipulative
therepy(SMT) have evidence of short and intermediate term
effectiveness for spinal disability in the gereral population and
growing evidence in older adults.For older population experiencing
chronic spinal conditions,long term management will be useful to
reduce the impact of future exacerbations. Research is limited
comparing short courses of treatment to lomg term management of
spinal disability.
The primary aim is to compare the relative effectiveness of
12weeks versus 36 weeks of SMT and suerviced rehabilitation
exercise(SRE) in older adults with back and neck disability.
Blocked 1:1 allocation;computer generated scheme,concealed in
sequentially numbered,opaquee,sealed envelops.
3,Being female , more educated,receiveing worker's compensation,
receiving Medicaid,or being employeed in the past tear increases
the likelihood of receiving exercise prescription..location of pain
was not related to exercise prescription.
Demographic,insurance and work-related Health-related,providers
seen. 684 subjects 48% received the prescription from a PT, 29%
from a physician, 21%from a chiroparctor and 4% from others.We
hypothesized the patients demographic,insurance,work and health
-related charecteristics,along with the types of providers seen in
the past year would be associated with exercice
4, Population based,cross-sectoral mailed survey
Obective:- To determine the lifetime,period and point prevalence
of neckpain and its related disability among saskatchewan adults
and investigate the presence and strength of non response
In Europe and north america neck pain is highly
documented prevalence in hte working age population. The
cross-sectoral study shows that neck pain is highly prevalent in
sakatchewan and that it significant disables 4.6%(95% confidence
intervals, 3.3-5.8) of hte adult population...