In: Finance
How do you organize your time?
How do you delegate responsibility?
There is never enough time to do everything you need to do. So, organizing your tasks in the order of importance and focusing time on them in the same order will help you to increase productivity and for better time management. Managing time efficiently is also strongly linked with way of doing things.So, follow a different way unlike others in such a way that you finish your tasks more quickly and efficiently than others. This may not possible in the initial days by working on improves it day by day
I delegate the responsiblity by focusing sigle mindedly on most important task first until it is done completely and perfectly.Because, if you are not able to finish your most important task it effects you mostly and will result in negative impact. Once the most important task of the day is done then I will move to second most important task and so on. This will leave you done with most important tasks and partially or not finished of the least important taks which will have very little negative effect. This also satisfies the popular quote of "Focus on Viital Few not on Trivial Many"