
In: Computer Science

*In C++ language please* Create a table that converts temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit Ask the...

*In C++ language please*

Create a table that converts temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit

Ask the user if they would like to know today's temperatures

  • When "yes":
    • Ask or their name -Generate a random number: use the length of their name (nameLngth) to set the seed
      • Use the length of their name (nameLngth) as the starting point, and 99 as the ending point for a range of Celsius temperatures
      • Output the range of Celsius temperatures alongside the Fahrenheit temperature conversions in a table
  • When "no":
    • Output "Goodbye userName "

Hint: Run in submit mode to see the desired outputs before getting started

Celsius to Fahrenheit : Fahrenheit = Celsius *180.0 /100 + 32

Also based on the new Fahrenheit temperature output the appropriate statement below:

  • When the number is less than 55: "carry a hat and gloves"
  • When the number is less than 75: "carry a jacket"
  • When the number is less than 100: "shorts it is"


Expert Solution

Please find the code , output below.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
string ans="yes",name;
int nameLngth;
double Fahrenheit ,Celsius;
cout<<"Would you like to know today's temperatures ? ";
if (ans=="yes"){
cout<<"Enter your name : ";
nameLngth = name.length();
Celsius = rand() % 99 + nameLngth;
Fahrenheit= Celsius *180.0 /100 + 32;
cout<< "Today's temparature is "<<endl;
cout << "Celsius"<<"\t\t"<<"Fahrenheit"<<endl;
cout << "---------------------------------"<<endl;
cout << Celsius<<"\t\t\t"<<Fahrenheit<<endl;

if (Fahrenheit<55){
cout<< "carry a hat and gloves\n";
else if (Fahrenheit>=55 && Fahrenheit<75){
cout<< "carry a jacket\n";
else if (Fahrenheit>=75 && Fahrenheit<100){
cout<< "shorts it is\n";
cout<< "Goodbye "<<name;
cout<<"Would you like to know today's temperatures ? ";
return 0;


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