
In: Computer Science

Write a JAVA program that displays a table of the Celsius temperatures and their Fahrenheit equivalents....

Write a JAVA program that displays a table of the Celsius temperatures and their Fahrenheit
 The formula for converting a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit is
F = 9/ 5 C + 32
where F → Fahrenheit temperature
C → Celsius temperature.
 Allow the user to enter the range of temperatures in Celsius to be converted into Fahrenheit.
 Your program must use a loop to display the values of the temperature conversions (see sample

Sample Output:
Welcome to the Temperature Converter!! Enter the range of temperatures in Celsius to be converted into
Enter minimum temperature in Celsius:
Enter maximum temperature in Celsius:
The corresponding Fahrenheit equivalents are:
­5.0 C 23.0 F
­4.0 C 24.8 F
­3.0 C 26.6 F
­2.0 C 28.4 F
­1.0 C 30.2 F
0.0 C 32.0 F
1.0 C 33.8 F
2.0 C 35.6 F
3.0 C 37.4 F
4.0 C 39.2 F
5.0 C 41.0 F
6.0 C 42.8 F
7.0 C 44.6 F


Expert Solution

Algorithm to display Celsius temperatures and their Fahrenheit equivalents

1.Input mintemp from user.

2.Input maxterm from user.

3.Implement a for loop from i=minterm to maxterm

    3.1) Calculate ((9*i)/5)+32 and store result in variable fah.

    3.2) Print i,fah

Java program to implement above algorithm

import java.util.*;

public class Main
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        double mintemp,maxtemp,fah;  //declaring variables
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(; //calling scanner class
    System.out.println("Welcome to the Temperature Converter!! Enter the range of temperatures in Celsius to be converted into Fahrenheit");

    System.out.println("Enter minimum temperature in Celsius:"); 
    mintemp=sc.nextDouble(); //taking minimum temperature in Celsius
    System.out.println("Enter maximum temperature in Celsius:"); 
    maxtemp=sc.nextDouble(); //taking maximum temperature in Celsius
    double i;
    System.out.println("The corresponding Fahrenheit equivalents are");
    for(i=mintemp;i<=maxtemp;i++) //implementing for loop for range of temperature
        fah=((9*i)/5)+32; //converting temperature into Fahrenheit
        System.out.println(i+"C "+fah+" F"); //printing Celsius temperature and converted Fahrenheit temperature

Output of above code is:

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