
In: Computer Science

Temperature Converter Create a temperature conversion program that will convert the following to Fahrenheit: Celsius Kelvin...

Temperature Converter

Create a temperature conversion program that will convert the following to Fahrenheit:

Your program should take a character which represents the temperature to convert from and a value to be converted to using the following specification:

C - Celsius
K - Kelvin
N - Newton
In addition your program should take in the following character to exit the program:

X - eXit the program

The numeric input for your program should be of type double. The program will continue to input and convert temperatures until the 'X' character is input for the conversion type.

Your input should be in the following form:

60 C

This would convert the 60 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit and should output a value of 140

The following equations can be used to convert the different temperature types to Fahrenheit:

Kelvin - F = (K - 273.15) * 1.8000 + 32

Celsius - F = C * 9/5 + 32

Newton - F = N * 60 / 11 + 32


You are not allowed to use a do-while loop for this program.

Use a while loop in conjunction with a switch statement. Please review the information on primed loops.

You must prime your loop with input from the keyboard before the while loop starts.

The program should continue converting temperatures until X is entered as a conversion type.



Expert Solution

C++ Code:

#include <iostream>


using namespace std;

double FtoK(double f){

return (f - 32) * (5/9) + 273.15;


double FtoC(double f){

return ((f - 32) * 0.55);


double FtoN(double f){

return ((f - 32)*(0.18333));


int main() {

char sel='\0';

double temp;

while(sel!='X' || sel!='x'){

cout<<"C: Fahrenheit to celcius\nK: Fahrenheit to Kelvin\nN: Fahrenheit to Newton\nX: Exit"<<endl;



case 'C':

case 'c':

double res;

cout<<"Enter temprature in Fahrenheit: ";



cout<<temp<<" F = "<<res<<" C"<<endl;


case 'K':

case 'k':

double res1;

cout<<"Enter temprature in Fahrenheit: ";



cout<<temp<<" F = "<<res1<<" K"<<endl;


case 'N':

case 'n':

double res2;

cout<<"Enter temprature in Fahrenheit: ";



cout<<temp<<" F = "<<res2<<" N"<<endl;


case 'X':

case 'x':



cout<<"Wrong input"<<endl;




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