
In: Computer Science

Write a program that prints a custom conversion table from Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit and Newton...

Write a program that prints a custom conversion table from Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit and Newton (Links to an external site.) temperatures. The formula for the conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit is :


F is the Fahrenheit temperature, and C is the Celsius temperature.

The formula for the conversion from Celsius to Newton is

C = 100/33*N

N is the Newton Temperature and C is the Celsius temperature

Your C++ program should prompt the user for a lower value and upper value for a range of temperatures in Celsius. It should then prompt the user for the amount they want to increment by. Then use a loop to output to a file named conversion_table.txt a table of the Celsius temperatures and their Fahrenheit and Newton equivalents within the range of values using the increment given by the user. Make sure to format your output to 2 decimal places.

INPUT VALIDATION: Ensure the second number is greater than the first number, and make sure the increment is greater than 0.



Expert Solution


//as we are using files we have to use this library
//as we are using fixed<<serprecision
using namespace std;
int main(){
   //declaring variables
   float lower,upper,increment;
   float C,F,N;
   //file object
   ofstream file("conversion_table.txt");
   //taking inputs from user
   cout<<"Enter lower boundary: "<<endl;
   cout<<"Enter upper boundary: "<<endl;
   //input validation
   //if upper boundary is lessthan lower we will promt user to enter
   //upper boundary until the user enters it correctly
       cout<<"Upper boundary is lessthan Lower, Enter upper boundary again: "<<endl;
   cout<<"Enter increment: "<<endl;
   //input validation
   //if the user enters increment as 0 or negative, we will prompt
   //until he enters a positive
       cout<<"Increment shouldnt be negative or zero, enter again: "<<endl;
   //writing upperboundary,lower boundary and increment to file
   file<<"The Upper Boundary is: "<<upper<<endl;
   file<<"The Lower Boundary is: "<<lower<<endl;
   file<<"The Increment is: "<<increment<<endl;
   for(float i=lower;i<=upper;i=i+increment){
       //calculating farenheit and newton from celsius
       N = (33.0/100.0)*C;
       //printing 2 decimal places
   //closing file


Code Screenshot:

Code Snippet:

//as we are using files we have to use this library
//as we are using fixed<<serprecision
using namespace std;
int main(){
        //declaring variables
        float lower,upper,increment;
        float C,F,N;
        //file object
        ofstream file("conversion_table.txt");
        //taking inputs from user
        cout<<"Enter lower boundary: "<<endl;
        cout<<"Enter upper boundary: "<<endl;
        //input validation
        //if upper boundary is lessthan lower we will promt user to enter
        //upper boundary until the user enters it correctly
                cout<<"Upper boundary is lessthan Lower, Enter upper boundary again: "<<endl;
        cout<<"Enter increment: "<<endl;
        //input validation
        //if the user enters increment as 0 or negative, we will prompt
        //until he enters a positive
                cout<<"Increment shouldnt be negative or zero, enter again: "<<endl;
        //writing upperboundary,lower boundary and increment to file
        file<<"The Upper Boundary is: "<<upper<<endl;
        file<<"The Lower Boundary is: "<<lower<<endl;
        file<<"The Increment is: "<<increment<<endl;
        for(float i=lower;i<=upper;i=i+increment){
                //calculating farenheit and newton from celsius
                N = (33.0/100.0)*C;
                //printing 2 decimal places 
        //closing file

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