
In: Computer Science

Write a javascript program according to the follow requirements: Create a function that converts Fahrenheit to...

Write a javascript program according to the follow requirements:

  • Create a function that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius. It takes a single argument which represents degrees in Fahrenheit. It converts it and returns the degrees in Celsius.
  • Create another function that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit. It takes a argument in Celsius and returns the degrees in Fahrenheit.
  • Implement the function convert(isFtoC, from, to) below. It takes the following three arguments:
    • isFtoC: a boolean that is true if degrees must be converted from Fahrenheit to Celsius or false if degrees must be converted from Celsius to Fahrenheit
    • from: this represents the first value in a range of degrees that will be converted
    • to: this represents the last value in a range of degrees to be converted
  • The function must convert every degree in the specified range and show each degree and the converted result on the page. Call show(str) to display a string on the page.

function convert(isFtoC, from, to) {
  // your code here

Note: Use .toFixed(2) to limit the decimal digits to 2, e.g. num.toFixed(2)


Expert Solution

Dear Student ,

As per the requirement submitted above , kindly find the below solution.

Here a new web page with name "tempConversion.html" is created, which contains following code.

tempConversion.html :

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<!-- title for web page -->

<title>Temprature Conversion</title>

<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">



From Temp :<input type="text" id="txtFrom"/>


To Temp :<input type="text" id="txtTo"/>


Select Conversion :

<select id="temp">

<option selected>--Select Conversion--</option>

<option value="Fahrenheit">Fahrenheit</option>

<option value="Celsius">Celsius</option>



<input type="button" onclick="convertTemp()" value="Convert"/>

<!-- div to display temprature -->

<div id="myDiv"></div>

<!-- <script> is used for javascript -->


//function to convert temprature

function convertTemp()


var from=parseFloat(document.getElementById("txtFrom").value);//take from temp

var to=parseFloat(document.getElementById("txtTo").value);//take to temp

//checking what is selected



//if Fahrenheit is selected




//if Celisus is selected




//function to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

function fToC(f)


return (f-32)* 5/9;//return temp in c


//function to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

function cTof(c)


return (c*9/5)+32;//return temp in f


//function to convert temprature

function convert(isFtoC, from, to)


var tempStr="";

//checking if Fahrenheit to Celsius


{ tempStr="F:C<br/>";

//convert temprature in Fahrenheit

for(var i=from;i<=to;i++)


tempStr+=i+" : "+fToC(i).toFixed(2)+"<br/>";//call function and concate


show(tempStr);//call function to display details


else if(isFtoC==false){


for(var i=from;i<=to;i++)


tempStr+=i+" : "+cTof(i).toFixed(2)+"<br/>";//call function and concate


show(tempStr);//call function to display details



//function to show string

function show(str)


document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML=str;//display on the div






Output : Compile and Run tempConversion.html in the browser and will get the screen as shown below

Screen 1 :tempConversion.html

Screen 2 :Temp from f to c

Screen 3 :Temp from c to f


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