
In: Statistics and Probability

1.    In a bumper test, three types of autos were deliberately crashed into a barrier at...

1.    In a bumper test, three types of autos were deliberately crashed into a barrier at 5 mph, and the resulting damage (in dollars) was estimated. Nine test vehicles of each type were crashed, with the results shown in the table below. Research question: Are the mean crash damages the same for these three vehicle types?

Crash Damage at 5 mph in Dollars ($)































  1. At the 0.05 level of significance, determine if there is a difference in the average crash damages by vehicle type. State your hypotheses and show all 7 steps clearly. (8 points)
  2. Give and interpret the p-value. (3 points)
  3. Should Tukey pairwise comparisons be conducted? Why or why not? (3 points)
  4. If appropriate, use Minitab to produce Tukey pairwise comparison. Write a few sentences with your conclusions from those comparisons. (4 points)
  5. Use Levene’s test to determine if the assumption of homogeneity of variances is valid. Give the hypotheses, test statistic, p-value, decision and conclusion. Use the 0.05 level of significance. (8 points)
  6. Verify with Minitab by attaching or including relevant output (see parts a, d, and e). (6 points)


Expert Solution

Treatments Observations Total
Goliath 700 1400 850 1430 1740 1240 700 1250 970 10280
Varmint 1700 1650 1630 1850 1700 1650 860 1550 1250 13840
Weasel 2280 1670 1740 2000 1510 2480 1650 1650 1240 16220
Grand total 40340



H1: Atleast one mean is different


Source of Variation SS df MS F F crit
Between Groups 1985985 2 992992.6 8.062004 3.402826
Within Groups 2956067 24 123169.4
Total 4942052 26

From the ANOVA table we can see that calculated F-value is more than F-critical hence we reject null hypothesis and we conclude that there is significant difference between the treatments.

b) p-value = 0.002,since p-value is less than alpha hence we reject null hypothesis.

c) Since we concluded that there is significant difference between the treatments we have to perform Tukey's test to find which treatments differ.

d) minitab output for Tukeys test

Tukey Simultaneous Tests for Differences of Means

Difference of Levels Difference
of Means
SE of
95% CI T-Value Adjusted
Varmint - Goliath 396 165 (-17, 809) 2.39 0.062
Weasel - Goliath 660 165 (247, 1073) 3.99 0.002
Weasel - Varmint 264 165 (-149, 677) 1.60 0.266

e) Levenes test


Method Test
Multiple comparisons 0.852
Levene 0.47 0.629

Since p-value ismore than 005 we fail to reject null hypothesis and conclude that all treatments have equal variances.

f) Minitab output

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
Factor 2 1985985 992993 8.06 0.002
Error 24 2956067 123169
Total 26 4942052

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