What are the stresses developed in the soil during the time of consolidation and compression in...

What are the stresses developed in the soil during the time of consolidation and compression in soil?

In: Civil Engineering

Assessment 11.0: Welding processes Produce a short report with diagrams (min 300 words) on the jointing...

Assessment 11.0: Welding processes

Produce a short report with diagrams (min 300 words) on the jointing of rail using welding techniques including:

• Alumino-thermic

• Flash butt welding

if you know the answer could you write it in text as I don't understand the handwriting

In: Civil Engineering

Assessment 9.0: Hand back process Produce a report (min 250 words) to detail the hand back...

Assessment 9.0: Hand back process

Produce a report (min 250 words) to detail the hand back process as defined by the Infrastructure Controller, and detail the factors that should be considered as part of the hand back process including the potential areas for special consideration which should be confirmed. Detail the requirements for maintenance records which form part of the hand back process.

Write it in text if you know the answer as I don't understand the handwriting

In: Civil Engineering

The building is going to be made in eastern part of Anatolia (Eastern part of Anatolia...

The building is going to be made in eastern part of Anatolia (Eastern part of Anatolia means there is a risk of freezing and thawing) and carbonation induced corrosion at low level is the dominant exposure condition. Choose the proper exposing conditions for this case by using the TS EN 206 Concrete Standard. Also determine the corresponding minimum requirements for the concrete mixture in the given environment by using the same standard.

In: Civil Engineering

4. The following data were obtained from a creep test for a specimen having an initial...

4. The following data were obtained from a creep test for a specimen having an

initial gage length of 2.0 in. and an initial diameter of 0.6 in. The initial stress

applied to the material is 10,000 psi. The diameter of the specimen after fracture

is 0.52 in.

Length Between Gage Marks ( (in.)

Time (h)

Strain (in./in.)





























7200 (fracture)



  1. The load (lbf) applied to the specimen during the test
  2. The approximate length of time (h) during which linear creep occurs
  3. The creep rate in in./in. h and %/h, and
  4. The true stress acting on the specimen at the time of rupture

In: Civil Engineering

Design a PCC mix for the following scenario: CE 20400 Spring 2020 Design Environment: Unreinforced Slab...

Design a PCC mix for the following scenario:

CE 20400 Spring 2020

Design Environment: Unreinforced Slab in Minneapolis, Minnesota

                                   Consider the city to be a cold climate with severe weather

Required design strength: 4500 psi

Slab thickness:                   18 inches

Statistical data indicate a standard deviation of compressive strength of 200 psi

      (more than 30 samples)

Only air entrainer allowed

Air entrainer: Manufacturer specification is: 0.20 fl oz/1% air/100 lb cement

Course aggregate:             1 ½” nominal maximum size crushed stone

                                            Bulk oven dry specific gravity 2.5

                                            Absorption 0.2%

                                            Oven-dry rodded density 125 pcf

                                            Moisture content 1.5%

Fine aggregate:                  Natural sand

                                            Bulk oven dry specific gravity 2.45

                                            Absorption 0.2%

                                            Moisture content 4%

                                            Fineness modulus 2.8

Cement                               Specific gravity 3.15


In: Civil Engineering

5: Three bars of varying cross section are connected to each other and is subjected to...

5: Three bars of varying cross section are connected to each other and is subjected to an axial
force of 50 kN as shown in figure. The dimensions of the two outer bars are 40 mm x 40 mm and
length of the outer bars are measured to be the same. The middle bar is having circular cross
section and the length of the middle bar is 3 times more than that of the two outer bars. Stress in
the middle portion was observed to be 180 N/mm2 and the total extension of three bars is equal to
7.534 mm. Recommend a suitable value for the diameter of the middle bar and length of all three
sections, if the modulus of elasticity of the material is 80 x 105 N/cm2?
If all the three bars are made up of the same material and having modulus of rigidity of the
material equal to 320 tonnes/cm2, what will be the changes in lateral dimensions for all three
bars? Conclude the relationship between lateral strain and longitudinal strain based on your

In: Civil Engineering

Two soil samples fully saturated were collected from the field for testing in the lab, both...

Two soil samples fully saturated were collected from the field for testing in the lab, both having a natural void ratio of 0.6. The composition of the soil particles is as follows:

Sample 1: Composed of ONLY quartz    [3]

Sample 2: Composed of 65% quartz, 23% mica &12% iron oxide.                               

   [4] The average value of specific gravity of soil particles is 2.65 for quartz, 3.0 for mica and

3.8 for iron oxide. Calculate the total unit weight of soil mass and specific gravity of soil particles for both the above mentioned soil samples.

In: Civil Engineering

Climate change is a daunting problem facing humanity today. One way to mitigate this problem in...

Climate change is a daunting problem facing humanity today. One way to mitigate this problem in the construction industry is to "build green". Green buildings have many benefits, but their initial cost is mostly higher that conventional buildings. In your opinion, should Green Star certification be made a mandatory requirement for all new developments (both residential and non-residential) in Australia? How could this be achieved?

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss the relationship of monitoring work and site remediation which are needed for groundwater flow as...

Discuss the relationship of monitoring work and site remediation which are needed for groundwater flow as a transport of contaminants.

For vadose zone soil water budget, present a conclusion of the THREE (3) distinct processes in groundwater recharge.

In: Civil Engineering

Q1: What are the necessity of sand in the construction industry of Oman, especially in mortar...

Q1: What are the necessity of sand in the construction industry of Oman, especially in mortar & concrete. Also why we are not using stone as a construction block in the construction industry for building the walls.

Q2 : Tell me about the cement which can be used for repair and rehabilitation works & describe it.

Q3 : Describe how Reinforced cement concrete is superior to plain cement concrete.

Q4: Write the guidelines in detail to find the initial setting time of cement.

Q5. What are the points to be taken into consideration while constructing a wall by using stones?

Q6. Describe the setback measurements under various circumstances given in Building Regulation For
Muscat, Local Order No. 23/92

In: Civil Engineering

Why wind turbine requires different types of towers? Discuss the installation of types of towers for...

Why wind turbine requires different types of towers? Discuss the installation of types of towers for wind power generation.

In: Civil Engineering

Explain in detail why is coordination required at all phases of construction for MEP systems? What...

Explain in detail why is coordination required at all phases of construction for MEP systems? What are the outcomes when a job is not coordinated properly? Why is in important to coordinate at time of bid and what are the downsides to coordinating at the time of bid? Your response should include references to all MEP systems discussed during the semester.

In: Civil Engineering

Describe, with the aid of sketches, TWO pitched-roof structures that are found in a traditional Victorian...

Describe, with the aid of sketches, TWO pitched-roof structures that are found in a traditional Victorian house.

In: Civil Engineering

Q12. Discuss how you would run a sanitary landfilling operation in your city. Be sure to...

Q12. Discuss how you would run a sanitary landfilling operation in your city. Be sure to include the technical (operational requirements), economic and environmental health considerations.

In: Civil Engineering