A simply supported beam spans 35ft and carries a simply distrusted dead load of 0.2kip/ft including...

A simply supported beam spans 35ft and carries a simply distrusted dead load of 0.2kip/ft including the beam self-weight and live load of 0.8kip/ft. Determine the minimum required plastic section modulus and select the lightest-weight W-shape to carry the moment. Assume full lateral support and A992 steel. Design by (a) LRFD and (b) ASD

In: Civil Engineering

a) Describe briefly how the coefficient of consolidation (Cv) value can also be estimated based on...

a) Describe briefly how the coefficient of consolidation (Cv) value can also be estimated based on a fullscale loading trial. Explain why it is more reliable to use the Cv value obtained from a field trial than from a lab test.

b) Based on a quick search on the internet, briefly describe the principles of a piezometer and suggest how it can be used in the field to measure and monitor groundwater pressure.

c) Suggest briefly two practical uses of the continuous monitoring of pore water pressure using piezometers following the completion of filling.

In: Civil Engineering

What is the purpose of adding carbon dioxide gas (CO 2 ) in treating water for...

What is the purpose of adding carbon dioxide gas (CO 2 ) in treating water for public supply?
Give pertinent chemical reaction equations.

In: Civil Engineering

Could you please give a specific example of how life cycle assessment is used for drought?

Could you please give a specific example of how life cycle assessment is used for drought?

In: Civil Engineering

the methods Sustainable unfired bricks manufacturing from construction and demolition wastes

the methods Sustainable unfired bricks manufacturing from construction and demolition wastes

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss why embodied energy is considered one of the most important concepts related to materials? Do...

Discuss why embodied energy is considered one of the most important concepts related to materials?

Do you agree that access to daylight and views can enhance efficiency of building occupants? You can support your argument with an example.

In: Civil Engineering

1-One of the 12 Principles of Green Engineering* is Multi-component products should strive for material unification...

1-One of the 12 Principles of Green Engineering* is Multi-component products should strive for material unification to promote disassembly and value retention (minimize material diversity). Give a specific example of how this principle can be used to prevent pollution.

2-One of the 12 Principles of Green Engineering* is Design of processes and systems must include integration of inter connectivity with available energy and materials flows. Give a specific example of how this principle can be used to prevent pollution.

3-One of the 12 Principles of Green Engineering* is Separation and purification processes should be a component of the design framework. Give a specific example of how this principle can be used to prevent pollution.

4-One of the 12 Principles of Green Engineering* is System components should be output pulled rather than input pushed through the use of energy and materials. Give a specific example of how this principle can be used to prevent pollution

a specific example of how this principle can be used to prevent pollution.

5-One of the 12 Principles of Green Engineering* is It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it is formed Give a specific example of how this

principle can be used to prevent pollution.

6-One of the 12 Principles of Green Engineering* is Design for unnecessary capacity or capability should be considered a design flaw. This includes engineering "one size fits all" solutions. Give a spepific example of how this principle can be used to prevent pollution.

7-One of the 12 Principles of Green Engineering* is Performance metrics should include designing for performance in commercial "afterlife". Give a specific example of how this principle can be used to prevent pollution.

8-One of the 12 Principles of Green Engineering is '"'Designers need to strive to ensure that all material and energy inputs and outputs are as inherently non-hazardous as possible." Explain how this relates to the concept of Industrial Ecology.

In: Civil Engineering

Fluid mechanics. Hydrodynamics. There are people who say that to get wet the least when it's...

Fluid mechanics.
There are people who say that to get wet the least when it's raining and one does not have an umbrella is better to run, and others say it's better to go slowly. Suppose it rains vertically with a flow of 10^-5 m^3/s per square meter, and that you have to walk 100 m in the rain. The drops have an average size of 1 mm^3. Modeling an adult person as a box 2m high, 1m wide and 0.5m deep, determine if in this situation it is better to walk at 1m/s or run at 4m/s. Do we have to take into account other circumstances or physical phenomena?
Explain in detail your procedure and reasoning to solve this problem.

In: Civil Engineering

Select the lightest W section to serve as an axially loaded column 28 ft long, in...

Select the lightest W section to serve as an axially loaded column 28 ft long, in a braced frame, with additional lateral support in the weak direction at mid-height. The load to be carried is 65 kips dead load and 150 kips live load. Assume the top and bottom of the column are hinged.

a) Use A992 and indicate first and second choices

b) Use A572 Grade 60, indicating first and second choices

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss the various methods for determining a line on a Cartesian Coordinated Plane and graphing that line.

Discuss the various methods for determining a line on a Cartesian Coordinated Plane and graphing that line. 

In: Civil Engineering

A strip wall footing 1.5 m wide is located 1.1 m below the ground surface. Supporting...

A strip wall footing 1.5 m wide is located 1.1 m below the ground surface.
Supporting soil has a unit weight of 19.60 kN/m3 . The results of laboratory
tests on the soil samples indicated that the supporting soil has the following
properties: c’ = 57.5 kN/m2
and I’ = 25°Groundwater surface was not
encountered during the subsurface exploration. Determine the allowable
bearing capacity of the soil using a factor of safety of 2.5.

In: Civil Engineering

Describe how changes in moisture content below FSP are different from changes in moisture content above...

Describe how changes in moisture content below FSP are different from changes in moisture content above FSP. What parts of the wood structure are changing in each condition? How are the mechanical properties changed in each condition?

In: Civil Engineering

How do you to determine sustainability in transportation system? describe three important elements of sustainability.

How do you to determine sustainability in transportation system? describe three important elements of sustainability.

In: Civil Engineering

How do you define sustainability in transportation systems? Describe three important elements of sustainability

How do you define sustainability in transportation systems? Describe three important elements of sustainability

In: Civil Engineering




Please Provide an essay respond with 1200 words. Please Type your answer so I could copy to document.

In: Civil Engineering