In: Civil Engineering
The great war 1914 was the culmination of development that had been going on for more than a generation .conjuction and intermingling of various forces and tendencies which had been work for a long times among the nations of Europea.First among the fundamental cause of the war was the force of nationalism .The triumph of nationalism in itly and Germany invested it with new courage and ethusiasm and made it a potent force in European politics .It was the excess of nationalism that encouraged the rivolries of Britain and Germany nationalism of the French people that kept alive the sprit of revenge for the loss of Alsace and Lorrain.
The second underlying cause of the way of the nationalism and the system of military alliance .France could not eaisly forget the humiliation inflicted upon her by the loss of Alsace Lorrain made by Bismark hence to safeguard Germany against possible French agression Bismark initiated a system of military alliance and in the result Europe was devided into two hostile camp.The tripple alliance of Germany ,Austria and Italy gave way the alliance of opposit side including France England and Russia.
Third underlying cause of the war was the competitive militarism of time the rising nationalist sentiments ,the increasing sentiments ,the increasing tension among the power and existence of two rival system of alliance produced a deep sense of insecurity in the mind of the power.
Economic rivalary and imperialism provided another contributary cause of the war in world history during the 19th and early 20th century was characterised by a struggle for sheltered market source of raw materials and fields for investment of surpluse capital and for making a new settlements economic copetition between Germany and England made the situation worst
Imperialism was a constant source of friction among the power greatness of a nation was consider to depend not merely on its standing in Europe but upon the value and extent of its non European possession thus on this new criteria Germany foud herself less significant .England France and Russia each of them had built up a huge colonial empire and had practically parcelled outamong themselves the non European world Germany had been left with the smallest share of non European possesion ,a share quite disproprotinate to her real status.
The immediate occasion ofbthe war was bitter enimity Austria and Serbia annexation of Bosnia and Hersegovina.By Austria created a bone of contension between Austria and Serbia because these were two areas of which Serbia supposed to herself as these were Serb dominated area meanwhile the successor of Austria prince Ferdinand was assesinated by a Serb student .Austria held Serbia responsible mor murder and attacked Serbia, Russia England and France took the Serbia side and Germany and Italybwent to Austria and the greatbwar was started eventually in 1981 Germany ,Austria and other allies were defeated .