1.Describe the four stages to Project Life Cycle. Discuss in your own words the key documents...

1.Describe the four stages to Project Life Cycle. Discuss in your own words the key documents likely to be utilized by the PM for each stage. Provide a template as an example for each one.

In: Civil Engineering

As an Geotechnical Engineer for a company you have been instructed to handle a project to...

  1. As an Geotechnical Engineer for a company you have been instructed to handle a project to develop a new Mall. The project currently in construction stage. During process of pile installation, the contractor notices few problems with the site condition:
  1. Limited area for work space which might have problem to use conversional method for pile installation.
  2. Project site is near with Hospital (contractor must control the sound pollution).

As a consultant you are need to solve these problems and need to suggest (with explanation) suitable method to install the pile.

  1. After complete installation of pile, you are need to suggest method/s to conduct pile test (with explanation).

In: Civil Engineering

bridge components description and painting with some details

bridge components description and painting with some details

In: Civil Engineering

A natural soil slope failed overnight after experiencing several days of rainfall.  The rain continued even after...

A natural soil slope failed overnight after experiencing several days of rainfall.  The rain continued even after the slope failure.  The shape of the failure resembled a spoon (i.e., circular failure).  You are the consulting engineer hired, please answer the following questions:

i.  In order to confirm the stability of the slope prior to the rainfall induced failure (when it was stable), what Shear Strength parameters you will likely use in this calculation? Why?

ii.  In order to explain the slope failure, i.e., for your slope stability model of the slope at failure, what Shear strength parameters will you likely use in this calculation? Why?

In: Civil Engineering

Why zero air void line curve will not intersect the compaction line?

Why zero air void line curve will not intersect the compaction line?

In: Civil Engineering

The image of a point whose elevation is 1,475 ft above datum appears 53.87 mm from...

  1. The image of a point whose elevation is 1,475 ft above datum appears 53.87 mm from the principal point of a vertical photograph taken from a flying height of 6,000 ft above datum. What would this distance from the principal point be if the point were at datum?

  1. Images a, b, and of ground points A, B, and C appear on a vertical photograph taken from a flying height of 8,350 ft above datum. A 6-in-focal length camera was used. Points A. B. and C have elevations of 1.725 ft, 1.640 ft, and 095 ft above datum, respectively. Measured photocoordinates of the images are xa= -371 in, ya= 1.864 in, xb=062 in. yb = 3.183 in, xc=3.704 in, and yc=-3.138 in. Calculate the lengths of the lines AB, BC, and AC and the area within the triangle ABC.

  1. The images of the top and bottom of a utility pole are 5.11 in and 4.93 in, respectively, from the principal point of a vertical photograph. What is the height of the pole if flying height above the base of the pole is 2,850 ft?

  1. An area has an average terrain elevation of 1,200 ft above datum. The highest points in the area are 1,850 ft above datum. If the camera focal plane opening is 9 in square, what flying height above datum is required to limit relief displacement with respect to average terrain elevation to 0.20 in? If the camera focal length is 8in, what is the resulting average scale of the photography?

  1. The datum scale of a vertical photograph taken from 3,000 ft above datum is 1:6,000. The diameter of a cylindrical oil storage tank measures 6.87 mm at the base and 7.01 mm at the top. What is the height of the tank if its base lies at 590 ft above datum?

  1. Assuming that the smallest discernable and measurable relief displacement that is possible on a vertical photo taken from 3,000 ft above ground is 0.5 mm, would it be possible to determine the height of a telephone utility box imaged in the comer of a 9-in-square photo which stands 4 ft high above the ground?

  1. If the answer to Prob.6 is yes, what is the maximum flying height at which it would be possible to discern the relief displacement of the utility box? If the answer is no, at what flying height would the relief displacement of the box be discernable?


In: Civil Engineering

Provide cost analysis and decide on the cheapest design concept of a bridge.

Provide cost analysis and decide on the cheapest design concept of a bridge.

In: Civil Engineering

Offer and Acceptance), 7 (Consideration), 10 (Writing) and 13 (Breach of Contract and Remedies). Your written...

  1. Offer and Acceptance), 7 (Consideration), 10 (Writing) and 13 (Breach of Contract and Remedies). Your written answer should be between 1000 and 1200 words. 20 marks

In: Civil Engineering

a) What is the primary difference between the dependent variable of an OLS regression model and...

a) What is the primary difference between the dependent variable of an OLS regression model and a logit model?

b) What is the primary difference between the model results of an OLS regression model and a logit model?

In: Civil Engineering

part 1) A deep excavation (choose all that apply): Needs to consider Lateral Pressures Are possible...

part 1) A deep excavation (choose all that apply):

Needs to consider Lateral Pressures

Are possible only if the soil is cohesive

Must consider the need for dewatering

Can use braces if needed

Requires Engineering Design

part 2)

Some of the important steps/information necessary while planning excavations are (choose all that apply):

Proper monitoring equipment during construction

Soil exploration

Survey of surroundings

Dimension of the Excavation

In: Civil Engineering

A grouted riprap, trapezodial channel (n = 0.025) with a bottom width of 4 meters and...

A grouted riprap, trapezodial channel (n = 0.025) with a bottom width of 4 meters and side slope of m= 1 carries a discharge of 12m3/s on a 0.001 slope. Compute the backwater curve created by a low dam that backs water up to a depth of 2m immediately behind the dam specifically, water depths are required at a critical diversion points that are located at a distance of 188m,423m,748m,1675m, upstream of the dam ( Take normal depth Yn and Yc as 1.66m and 0.92m respectively)

A rectangular concrete (n= 0.020)canal has a slope of 0.0015,is 7m wide,and is carrying 15m3/s. At the upstream end of a broad crested weird, the depth is 3.3m

In: Civil Engineering

A truck will haul an average load of 15 cy, heaped capacity, and loose measure per...

A truck will haul an average load of 15 cy, heaped capacity, and loose measure per load. Use average values of swell factors in Table 7.3 on p. 131 of your textbook to determine the volume of the truck in bank measure when the material is sand, ordinary earth, dense clay, and well-blasted rock.

Then, using an Excel spreadsheet, determine the number of trucks required to move material in the following scenario:

A project requires 40,000 cy of compacted fill that must be completed in 32 working days. The fill material will be hauled to the site in 21 cy loose measure trucks. The cycle time for a truck is 40 min. per trip. The swell factor for the earth is 25% and the shrinkage factor is 10%. Assume 8 hours per day and a 45-min. effective hour. Determine the number of required trucks to complete the project in 32 days.

Upon completion of this project, you will deliver an excel spreadsheet to include:

  • Tables of all information (data) given in the problem
  • Formulas that reference cells thus creating dynamic formulas that will change if information in the tables changes
  • The final answer highlighted in yellow.

In: Civil Engineering

Please show all work and formulas used. Thanks! The following data are given for an activated...

Please show all work and formulas used. Thanks!

The following data are given for an activated sludge process:

Q = 5 MGD

BOD5 (influent) = 250 mg/L (soluble)

BOD5 (effluent) = 20 mg/L (soluble)

MCRT = 10 days

MLSS in the aeration tank = 2500 mg/L

Concentration of SS in the recycle line = 10,000 mg/L

Concentration of SS in the effluent = 30 mg/L (70% biodegradable)

BOD5/BODu = 0.75, No nutrient limitations.

Yield co-efficient, Y = 0.65

Endogenouse decay coefficient, kd = 0.06/day


(a) Find soluble BOD5 (in mg/L) in the effluent, BOD5 treatment efficiency (in %) and overall efficiency (in %).

(b) Find hydraulic detention time (in hours) and the volume of tank (in MG).

(c) Yobs and biomass production (in lb VSS/day)

(d) Qw (in MGD) when the wasting from the AT and from recycle line.

(e) Recirculation ratio

(f) Find Specific Utilization rate (U) and food to microorganism (F/M) ratio

(g) Calculate volumetric loading rate (lb BOD5 /1000 ft3)

In: Civil Engineering

All the remote learning and telecommuting during shelter-in-place means and increase in residential energy use from...

All the remote learning and telecommuting during shelter-in-place means and increase in residential energy use from more people being home. Assume that a 60 watt incandescent lightbulb in each of the approximately 128 million U.S. household just burned out, and everyone is debating whether to replace it with another 60-W incandescent bulb or a 8.5-W light-emitting diode (LED). Assume that the 60-W incandescent and the 8.5-W LED deliver the same quantity of light. Assume an average emission factor for U.S. electricity of 119 gC/kWh and an average cost of $0.13.3/kWh. A typical LED bulb costs $2.37 and has a lifetime of 15,000 hours. A typical incandescent bulb costs $1.79 and has a lifetime of 1,000 hours.

  1. Calculate the annual electricity savings from lighting if everyone chose the LED bulb. Assume the light is on for an average of 15 hours each day. Express your answer in kWh/year. [2 points]

  2. Calculate the cost-of-avoided-carbon associated with investing in the LED rather than the incandescent (i.e., what is the cost of implementing this efficiency measure and what amount of carbon does implementing this efficiency measure avoid?). Express your answer in $/kgC.[Hint: Assess the relative costs and savings over a 15,000-hour time horizon. Note that you would need to purchase 15 incandescent bulbs to equal the lifetime of one LED.] [3 points]

  3. Suggest two other energy-use energy efficiency strategies that could help avoid the shelter-in-place increase in residential energy use [2 points]

In: Civil Engineering

A base for an airport runway, 100 m wide, 2000 m long and 500 mm thick,...

A base for an airport runway, 100 m wide, 2000 m long and 500 mm thick, is to be constructed out of a clayey sand excavated from a nearby borrow pit, where the in situ water content is 6%. This soil is being transported in trucks having a capacity of 8 m 3 , where each load weighs 13200 kg. In the subbase course, the soil will be placed at a water content of 14.2% to a dry density of 1890 kg/m 3 . (1000 litres = 1m3 ) (a) How many truck loads will be required to complete the job? (7 points) (b) How many litres of water should be added to each truck load? (7 points) (c) If the base becomes saturated later, without any change in volume, what would be the water content? Assume Gs = 2.7.

In: Civil Engineering