1- How to calculate the quantity of cement and aggregates for 1 metre cubic concrete for...

1- How to calculate the quantity of cement and aggregates for 1 metre cubic concrete for any mix ratio?
2-How to determine compressive strength of the concrete?

In: Civil Engineering

In Civil Engineering: The beginning of a roadway curve is called the ______ The end of...

In Civil Engineering:

The beginning of a roadway curve is called the ______

The end of a roadway curve is called the ______

In: Civil Engineering

Answer the given statements as True or False. If the statement is false, correct it so...

Answer the given statements as True or False. If the statement is false, correct it so it becomes a true statement.

1. The neutral axis can be found at a distance ‘y’ (where y>0) from the centroidal axis of a

2. The centre of curvature can be found at a radial distance (rho) from the neutral axis of a
member in pure bending.

3. When developing generalized equations for stress transformations, we must consider
stresses on only the horizontal and vertical faces.

4. Shear strain is defined as the angle between two line segments that were originally parallel
to each other.

5. In biaxial bending, the principle of superposition can be used to add bending components
about more than one principal axis.

6. When determining average shear stress along a horizontal section, we are to assume a
uniform and linear shear stress distribution.

7. In beams, to express internal moments and shears, positive sign convention on the face to
the right of the cut section with internal shear represented as a downward force (V) and
internal moment (M) represented as a counter-clockwise moment.

8. In Mohr’s circle, the average stress of the element is at the center of the circle.

9. Shear stress components of adjacent planes are equal and opposite.

10. Buckling is a sudden large displacement parallel to the direction of loading.

In: Civil Engineering

introduction about engineering negligence not less than one page

introduction about engineering negligence not less than one page

In: Civil Engineering

A structure constructed near to the water body experiencing an anticipated load of 1.25 x106 N....

A structure constructed near to the water body experiencing an anticipated load of 1.25 x106 N. The load coming on to the foundation do not includes the weight of pile cap. Founding subsoil contains a layer of clay 5.0 m deep from the ground surface followed by some loose soil. As a Geotechnical Engineer, design the most suitable friction pile group considering the following factors: Factor of safety against shear failure = 2.5 Unconfined compressive strength of clay = 0.060 N/ mm2 Radius of individual pile = 200 mm Weight of pile cap = 200000 N

In: Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering (Geo-Polymer Concrete) Summary: Do some researches & write one or two page of summary...

Civil Engineering (Geo-Polymer Concrete) Summary:

Do some researches & write one or two page of summary report on design and uses of

geo-polymer concrete. Focus attention on the mix design, and specific uses. Include the Work

cited if it’s possible.

In: Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering (Geo-Polymer Concrete) Summary: Do some researches & write one or two page of summary...

Civil Engineering (Geo-Polymer Concrete) Summary:

Do some researches & write one or two page of summary report on design and uses of

geo-polymer concrete. Focus attention on the mix design, and specific uses. Include the Work

cited if it’s possible.

In: Civil Engineering

write importance of geology to civil engineer, maps, and mapping techniques for geologic structures. Minimum five...

write importance of geology to civil engineer, maps,

and mapping techniques for geologic structures. Minimum five citations are required and the

same should be reflected in the references

In: Civil Engineering

A truncated-pyramid-shape landfill is required to serve a community for 10 years. The community has a...

A truncated-pyramid-shape landfill is required to serve a community for 10 years. The community has a solid waste disposal rate of 5.0 lb/capita/day and a by-weight recycling rate of 34%. The total solid waste generated by the community over the 10 years period that is expected to go to the landfill is 1x10^9 lbs. The waste density is 1500 lb/yard3. Assume that the population, disposal rate, and recycling rate will remain constant.

  1. Estimate the population of the community in capita.
  2. If the waste occupies 85% of the landfill, estimate volume of the landfill space in ft3.
  3. If the landfill height is 90 ft, and the side slope is 3, determine the dimension of the landfill in ft. (let L = W).
  4. If the landfill has a 10-inch-thick clay barrier layer without geomembrane that holds 6 inches of liquid leachate above it and a hydraulic conductivity of 3.25x10^-7 in/s, determine the leakage rate in ft3/year.

In: Civil Engineering

A 36‐in diameter pipe flows just full (gravity‐driven only) when it carries 30 cfs.  What will be...

A 36‐in diameter pipe flows just full (gravity‐driven only) when it carries 30 cfs.  What will be the flow depth and velocity in the pipe when the flow rate is only 20 cfs?

In: Civil Engineering

If we wish to map an area 3.1 miles × 500 feet with 2-foot contours, (Photo...

If we wish to map an area 3.1 miles × 500 feet with 2-foot contours, (Photo scale is 1″= 500 feet); how many photos are required to properly cover the area?

In: Civil Engineering

Derive the formula for the coefficient of asymmetry of a monosymmetric angle.

Derive the formula for the coefficient of asymmetry of a monosymmetric angle.

In: Civil Engineering

On per atomic percent basis, which provides higher level of strengthening: interaction of dislocations with symmetric...

On per atomic percent basis, which provides higher level of strengthening: interaction of dislocations with symmetric stress field associated with solutes or interaction of dislocations with asymmetric stress field associated with solutes. Provide justification of your answer.

In: Civil Engineering

What are the considerations in structural steel connections?

What are the considerations in structural steel connections?

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss field sampling approaches and the importance of assessing certain stream characteristics during sampling.

Discuss field sampling approaches and the importance of assessing certain stream characteristics during sampling.

In: Civil Engineering