The clay layer of 6 m thick is located under the gravel ground of 12 m...

The clay layer of 6 m thick is located under the gravel ground of 12 m thick. The water table lies 4m below the ground surface. It is because the bag is 0.30 for dry gravel floor, the dry unit volume weight is 16.2 kN / m3, the undrained shear strength for clay floor is 20 kPa, 24o for friction and 17.6 kN / m3 for saturated unit volume. According to doing; Based on the shear strength of the ground in the middle point of the clay layer, calculate the total and effective values of the stress acting on the vertical face of the ground element at the same point.

In: Civil Engineering

If 24 students run 24 Casagrande Tests and 24 Thread Rolling Tests, how many different Plasticity...

If 24 students run 24 Casagrande Tests and 24 Thread Rolling Tests, how many different Plasticity Indexes will we most likely see and why?


In: Civil Engineering

Chloroform, 0.01mg/kg-day Acetone,  0.1mg/kg-day Xylene 2.0 mg/kg-day Phenol 0.6mg/kg-day Which of these is the most dangerous?

Chloroform, 0.01mg/kg-day

Acetone,  0.1mg/kg-day

Xylene 2.0 mg/kg-day

Phenol 0.6mg/kg-day

Which of these is the most dangerous?

In: Civil Engineering

1. As part of the development of the one district, one factory programme, a catchment of...

1. As part of the development of the one district, one factory programme, a catchment of size 100 km2 has been marked for vegetation. In its original condition, the average annual total runoff from the catchment is 1.1 m3/s. The average annual rainfall is 800 mm/a. In an average year, 50% of the rainfall infiltrates and 12.5% of the rainfall reaches the groundwater. Tests have turned out that the average annual evapotranspiration from the unsaturated zone (being the sum of the transpiration and the bare soil evaporation) amounts to 340 mm/a. In all water balance computations over the year, one may assume that the storage effects are small (dS/dt = +0).
a. How much water, in mm/a, reaches the root zone through capillary rise in an average year?
b. How much water, in cm/a, seeps out from the groundwater to the surface water in an average year?
c. How much water, in l/a, evaporates directly from interception in an average year?
d. How much, in m/a, is the total evapotranspiration in the catchment in an average year?
A well field is planned to withdraw 0.16 m3/s from the catchment for drinking water consumption elsewhere. As a result, the groundwater level is expected to go down and capillary rise into the root zone will no longer be possible. The percolation, however is expected to remain the same.
e. What will be the effect of the withdrawal on the different components of the hydrological cycle: the groundwater seepage, the total runoff, the evapotranspiration from the unsaturated zone and the total evapotranspiration? Please quantify in mm/a.

In: Civil Engineering

A cantilever bean is 12 feet long and has a uniformly distributed dead load of 600...

A cantilever bean is 12 feet long and has a uniformly distributed dead load of 600 lbs/ft and a uniformly distributed live load of 1000 lbs/ft. Design the beam for flexure assuming it is continuously braces by a floor/deck system. Use 36 ksi steel.

a) draw Free body Diagram/ shear + moment diagram to find Mu Max

b) Solve for Zx based on Mu Max

c) Select beam from table 9.1

d) Check compactness criteria

e) if compactness works, recalculate Mu Max adding in beam weigh (Dead Load)

f) compare o/ Mn to Mu Max

g) Deflection Check

In: Civil Engineering

meeting agenda assignment for an engineering meeting (for english course)

meeting agenda assignment for an engineering meeting (for english course)

In: Civil Engineering

A 16-ft long pin-pin column has to support a dead load of 100 kips and a...

A 16-ft long pin-pin column has to support a dead load of 100 kips and a live load of 280 kips. Using column selection tables from the Steel Manual select columns for the given shapes. All selections should be structurally safe and least weight.

50-ksi W-section (W10, 12, 14 only)

35-ksi pipe (standard, x-strong, xx-strong)

46-ksi rectangular HSS

46-ksi square HSS

42-ksi round HSS

In: Civil Engineering

Draw a building management system (BMS) architecture diagram for three air handling units, two boilers, four...

Draw a building management system (BMS) architecture diagram for three air handling units, two boilers, four VAV boxes, two chillers, and two cooling tower fan variable frequency drives

In: Civil Engineering

A rural principal arterial is expected to carry an ESAL of 0.188 × 10^6 during the...

A rural principal arterial is expected to carry an ESAL of 0.188 × 10^6 during the first year of
operation with an expected annual growth of 6% over the 20-year design life. If the subgrade has a
resilient modulus of 15,000 lb/in2, design a suitable pavement consisting of a granular subbase with a
resilient modulus of 13,500 lb/in2, a granular base layer with a resilient modulus of 25,000 lb/in2, and
an asphalt concrete surface with an elastic modulus of 400,000 lb/in2. Assume all mi values = 1 and
the percent of traffic on the design lane is 47%. Assume a reliability level of 95%, the design
serviceability loss is 2.0, and standard deviation of 0.4.

In: Civil Engineering

How will you design the foundation of a structure in Swelling soil.

How will you design the foundation of a structure in Swelling soil.

In: Civil Engineering



In: Civil Engineering

a) A highway design includes the intersection of a +4.8% grade with a -4.2% grade at...

a) A highway design includes the intersection of a +4.8% grade with a -4.2% grade at station 1052+75 at elevation 851.50 feet above sea level. Calculate the center-line elevation along this highway for every 50-ft station on a parabolic curve of 600 feet length.

b) What is the minimum stopping sight distance on this vertical curve and the maximum safe speed on this section of road for wet pavement

In: Civil Engineering

An unvented kerosene heater is operated for 1 hour in an apartment building having a volume...

An unvented kerosene heater is operated for 1 hour in an apartment building having a volume of 300 m3. The heater emits SO2 at a rate of 50 ug/s. The ambient air concentration and the indoor air concentration of SO2 are 80 ug/m3. If the rate of ventilation is70 liters/s and the apartment is assumed to be well-mixed, what is the indoor air concentration of SO2 at the end of 1 hour? Assume a first order decay rate using Table 7.14 in the textbook.

In: Civil Engineering

A 500 feet equal tangent vertical curve connects two tangents that intersects at station 5+34.00 and...

A 500 feet equal tangent vertical curve connects two tangents that intersects at station 5+34.00 and elevation 1210 ft. The initial grade is +4% and the final grade is -2.5%.
i. determine the station and elevation of the high point, PVC and PVT

ii. What will you recommend as the maximum safe design speed for this road to provide adequate stopping sight distance?

In: Civil Engineering

The results of a tensile experiment on a metal is given in the table below. The...

The results of a tensile experiment on a metal is given in the table below. The tensile sample had circular cross section with the diameter of 10 mm and initial gauge length of 60 mm. Use this table and calculate:

Force (N) Measured Length (mm) Region
0 60 Elastic
15708 60.15 Elastic
31416 60.3 Elastic
35343 60.6 Plastic
36128 61.2 Plastic
36914 63 Plastic
37306 66 Plastic

(a) The Young modulus of this metal (in GPa)

(b) The modulus of resilience (MJ/m3 )

(c) The measured diameter of the sample is 9.5mm when the applied force is 37306N. What is the Poisson’s ratio?

(d) What is the engineering stress and strain, as well as the true stress and strain at the applied force of 37306N?

In: Civil Engineering