Determine the maximum live load that a column W14x193 could support if the dead load is ten times the live load. Use A-36 with K=1 and L=22 ft.
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
A new 5 km long pipeline connects two reservoirs. The water surface elevation in the upper reservoir is 1100 m and in the lower reservoir is 835 m. The pipeline is 400 mm nominal diameter commercial steel with a sharp-edged inlet and includes the following flanged fittings.
10 - gate valves
19 - standard radius 90° elbows
37 – standard radius 45° elbows
8 – straight (line flow) tees
What is the maximum water flow rate between the reservoirs in m3/s?
In: Civil Engineering
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the flexible pavements?
In: Civil Engineering
Criminal Civil Research
Purpose: To search the internet for case information and then be able to compare and contrast between civil and criminal law cases.
Outcome: You will be able to apply research rules and techniques using web-based legal research.
Look up James Arthur Ray - Arizona motivational speaker -on the internet and briefly state why/how he had both criminal and civil trials
demonstrate critical thinking skills to prioritize, anticipate, and analyze problems, and then to evaluate and implement solutions.
In: Civil Engineering
Select the Lightest weight W-section of A992 steel to serve as a column 30 feet long and to carry an axial live compressive load of 160 kips. The member is pinned at the top and bottom. The member's self weight is estimated at 2000 lbs. It is supported at mid-height in its weak direction. Options: 1.W8x40 2.W10x39 3.W12x45 4.W14x48 5.W14x53 6.W10x45
In: Civil Engineering
Which of the following technologies is a best choice to address both runoff quantity and runoff quality problems?
Select the best answer
Select one:
a. Bioretention Filter
b. Vegetated filter strip
c. Underground detention basin
d. Catch basin insert
e. None of the listed technologies will address both water quality and quantity issues.
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
An elevated floor has dimensions of 40 feet by 20 feet. Wooden joists (southern pine) span the 20-foot length and are spaced at 5 feet on center. A steel (E=29,000 ksi and allowable stress of 50 ksi) wide-flange girder spans the 40-foot length. The floor (DL) is 6” thick concrete with a 100 psf live load. Design both the timber joist and steel girder using a max l/360 for the deflection limit. Disregard safety factors and self weight of the beams. Pay close attention to units. You may use software to assist but all work must be shown. Beams are loaded in the strong direction.
In: Civil Engineering
Discuss why the Manning’s coefficient of roughness may be different for the same bedding material at low flows
Discuss a practical application where an engineer may design an open channel system that utilizes artificially roughened channel sections
Explain what channel conveyance is and the effects culverts and roughened channel sections have on it
In your own words describe what the Manning’s n-value is and why it is so important to identify the correct value when calculating velocity using the Manning’s equation
In: Civil Engineering
1. Draw a typical stress-strain diagram and indicate what are meant by peak strength and residual strength .
2. What are the limitations of direct shear stress? 3.
Draw the Mohr’s circle foe failure for a direct shear stress test and mark the failure plane, a major principle plain and minor principal plain.
4. If the test is under a normal stress of 2.5 kg/cm2 , find the shear load at which the soil will fail.(Use ? found from the test).
5. State the Mohr – Cuolomb criteria for shear strength in terms of the effective stresses
6. What are the advantages of the direct shear test over the triaxial test?
In: Civil Engineering
A 6 meter tall concrete column 40 cm square is supporting a 4 MN compressive load. The concrete has an elastic modulus of 30 GPa, compressive strength of 28 MPa, tensile strength of 3.5 MPa and Poisson’s Ratio 0.3. The concrete is reinforced by 16 #8 W40 axial rebar (200 GPa elastic modulus, 275 MPa compressive strength), spaced 8 cm apart on each side, 8 cm from the surface of the column.
What is the compressive stress on the column?
What is the axial modulus of the reinforced concrete column?
What is the axial deflection (change in length) of the column?
What is the transverse change in dimension (change in width)?
Will this column fail? Why?
In: Civil Engineering
Followings are given for a watershed:
Rational method coefficient C = 0.35
Time of concentration = 60 min
Area A = 4.2 km^2
Rainfall intensity is 1.7 cm/hr
Part A: If rainfall duration is 60 min, determine the peak discharge in m^3/s.
Part B: If rainfall duration is 90 min, determine the peak discharge in m^3/s.
In: Civil Engineering
Between the Aerobic, Anoxic, and Anaerobic zone, which one has the lowest odor potential? and why?
What do we do with the sludge resulted from the WWT process? Can we use it to make money? How?
Do you support treated WW and Treated sludge to be used in agriculture to grow crops? Why?
Why do we need to monitor the groundwater during and after the site closure?
In: Civil Engineering
discuss the spring analogy for primary consolidation
In: Civil Engineering