List 3 key assumptions made in the infinite slope safety calculation method. State whether each of...

List 3 key assumptions made in the infinite slope safety calculation method. State whether each of the assumptions would lead to a safe or unsafe design.

In: Civil Engineering

1. What is the difference between the Constant Head and Falling Head Permeability Test? 2. What...

1. What is the difference between the Constant Head and Falling Head Permeability Test?

2. What principal are the two permeability tests based on?

3. Why would one use the falling head tests instead of the constant head test?

4. If you anticipate that the permeability of a soil is approximately 0.000001 cm/sec and the falling head permeability testing equipment had the following dimensions, how long should the test take if the beginning head is 20 cm and the final head is 15 cm? Diameter of the stand pipe with area (a) is 1 cm. Diameter of the soil specimen with an area (A) is 6 cm. The length of the soil specimen is 15 cm.

5. If the coefficient in Hazen’s equation is 1 compute the D10 of the soil having a permeability of 0.001 cm/sec.

In: Civil Engineering

With the aid of sketch, explain the main differences between window type air-conditioner and split type...

With the aid of sketch, explain the main differences between window type air-conditioner and split type air-conditioner. Why the window type and split type air-conditioner is not commonly used for high rise commercial building?

In: Civil Engineering

If the slab is 21 ft wide x 36 ft long x 15 inches deep with...

If the slab is 21 ft wide x 36 ft long x 15 inches deep with the total steel reinforcement of 20,000 ft of #5 bar. Find the quantity of concrete required (in cubic yards). The capacity of concrete truck is 9 cubic yards. Assume waste factor as 10%. Density of steel is 490 lbs/cubic feet.

(a) Calculate Slab Volume:

(b)Calculate Steel Volume and Weight:

(c) Calculate concrete Volume:

In: Civil Engineering

2g. Describe adverse possession and the conditions necessary to claim land or rights using adverse possession....

2g. Describe adverse possession and the conditions necessary to claim land or rights using adverse possession. (The text listed five conditions that must be met) (5 points)


In: Civil Engineering

gradually varied flow” and, particularly, a “backwater curve” a.   What is the method or concept in...

gradually varied flow” and, particularly, a “backwater curve”
a.   What is the method or concept in question and how is it used?
b.   Why does it matter to engineers or to engineering hydrologists? Why should we care?
c.   What are the primary strengths or weaknesses of the method or concept?
d.   What would have made it easier for you to understand the method or concept? Here, for example, you might imagine that you are giving advice to a friend taking this course next year: what do you think they would really benefit from knowing about this concept?

In: Civil Engineering

"Intensity Duration Function curves" "IDF" a.   What is it and how is it used? b.   Why...

"Intensity Duration Function curves" "IDF"
a.   What is it and how is it used?
b.   Why does it matter to engineers or to engineering hydrologists? Why should we care?
c.   What are the primary strengths or weaknesses of the method or concept?
d.   What would have made it easier for you to understand the method or concept? Here, for example, you might imagine that you are giving advice to a friend taking this course next year: what do you think they would really benefit from knowing about this concept?

In: Civil Engineering

“runoff coefficient” and a “hydrologic abstraction”? a.   What is the method or concept in question and...

“runoff coefficient” and a “hydrologic abstraction”?
a.   What is the method or concept in question and how is it used?
b.   Why does it matter to engineers or to engineering hydrologists? Why should we care?
c.   What are the primary strengths or weaknesses of the method or concept?
d.   What would have made it easier for you to understand the method or concept? Here, for example, you might imagine that you are giving advice to a friend taking this course next year: what do you think they would really benefit from knowing about this concept?

In: Civil Engineering

The recommended threshold limit value (TLV-ACGIH) air concentration for occupational exposure to water-insoluble hexavalent chromium Cr...

The recommended threshold limit value (TLV-ACGIH) air concentration for occupational exposure to water-insoluble hexavalent chromium Cr (VI) is 0.01 mg/m3. This concentration is based on an assumption that the individual is generally healthy and is exposed for 8 hours per day over a working lifetime (that is from age 18 to 65 years). Assuming a body weight of 78 kg and an inhalation rate of 0.63 m3/h over the working life of the individual, a. What is the lifetime (75 y) CDI? b. Estimate the low-dose cancer risk from occupational inhalation exposure to hexavalent chromium Cr(VI).

In: Civil Engineering

Select the most efficient member for the following LRFD required moments and unsupported lengths. Assume Cb...

Select the most efficient member for the following LRFD required moments and unsupported lengths. Assume Cb = 1.0.



630 kip-ft

30 ft

160 kip-ft

10 ft

350 kip-ft

16 ft

400 kip-ft

8 ft


In: Civil Engineering

Evaluate the Design Strength of the following members with the specified unsupported lengths, Lb. Assume Cb...

Evaluate the Design Strength of the following members with the specified unsupported lengths, Lb. Assume Cb = 1.0.




24 ft


10 ft


14 ft


12 ft

In: Civil Engineering

Problem 5. The aquifer source water used by the town of Pandarwin, IL contains 32 mg/L...

Problem 5. The aquifer source water used by the town of Pandarwin, IL contains 32 mg/L Fe2+ and 97 µg/L arsenic, predominantly in the form of As(III). To meet the new MCL of 10 µg/L the local water utility is considering several strategies. One strategy involves adding hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to the water. Arsenic removal occurs indirectly as a byproduct of the reaction between Fe2+ and H2O2. When H2O2 reacts with Fe2+, hydroxyl radical intermediates (•OH) are produced which can rapidly oxidize As(III) to As(V). The As(V) can then be removed by coprecipitation with and adsorption onto Fe(OH)3(s) precipitates during sand filtration. The source water is well buffered at pH 8.0 by dissolved carbonate species.

(a) Write the balanced redox reaction between Fe2+ and H2O2. Fe2+ is converted to Fe(OH)3(s) and H2O2 is converted to H2O.

(b) The treatment plant flow rate is 107 L/day. If we assume that the reaction from part (a) goes to completion as written, calculate the mass of H2O2 that will be required each day to consume all the dissolved Fe2+ in the source water entering the plant.

(c) If we assume that each H2O2 molecule generates a single ⋅OH intermediate when it reacts with Fe2+, estimate the fraction of ⋅OH intermediates that will be used to convert As(III) to As(V) in the source water. Assume that each As(III) molecule reacts with only a single ⋅OH intermediate

In: Civil Engineering

Assume the speed and density at a freeway location follows a linear relationship.You observe traffic flow...

Assume the speed and density at a freeway location follows a linear relationship.You observe traffic flow rate of 2250 vehicles/hour at 45 mph and 3000 vehicles/hour at 30 mph. What are the jam density, free flow speed (max speed), and capacity of this freeway location? How about the density and speed (i.e., the critical density and the critical speed) at the capacity?

In: Civil Engineering

Construction codes and specifications Discuss the importance of documentation in the construction and civil engineering industry....

Construction codes and specifications

Discuss the importance of documentation in the construction and civil engineering industry. What
method(s) are used to ensure proper documentation during construction?

In: Civil Engineering

Identify all US standards that are associated with pump design and operation and provide an overview...

Identify all US standards that are associated with pump design and operation and provide an overview of what they govern.

In: Civil Engineering