
In: Civil Engineering

(Time limited 70mins) Q.1 A dried soil was subjected to particle size analysis with the following...

(Time limited 70mins)

Q.1 A dried soil was subjected to particle size analysis with the following results:

Results of Sieve analysis
Sieve (mm) Mass Retained (g) Mass Retained (%) Percent Passing (%)
60.000 29.6 MR1 PP1
6.000 13.0 MR2 PP2
2.000 11.6 MR3 PP3
0.600 19.5 MR4 PP4
0.063 11.4 MR5 PP5
Pan 3.7 MR6 PP6

Determine the percentage (%) for gravel (G):

Q.2 Determine the percentage (%) for sand (S):

Q.3 Classify the fine-grained portion of the soil sample by using the Plasticity Chart.

Provide your answer by using the format listed in the table below.

i.e. if the answer is CH, enter 3 as your answer.

Classification of fine-grained portion of the soil
No. Classification No. Classification
1 CL 6 ML
2 CI 7 MI
3 CH 8 MH
4 CV 9 MV
5 CE 10 ME

Q.4 Determine the coefficient of uniformity (Cu):

Q.5 Determine the coefficient of curvature (Cc):

Q.6 Determine the effective size, D10 in mm:

Q.7 Determine the effective size, D30 in mm:

Q.8 Determine the effective size, D60 in mm:

Q.9 Determine the plastic index of the soil sample if the plastic limit (PL) and the liquid limit (LL) are 15.1 and 49.1, respectively:


Classify the fine-grained portion of the soil sample by using the British Soil Classification System.

Provide your answer by using the format listed in the table below.

i.e. if the answer is SCL, enter 2021 as your answer.

British Soil Classification System
No. Classification No. Classification No. Classification No. Classification
1100 GW 2110 SWM 1015 GME 2013 SMH
1200 GP 2120 SWC 1021 GCL 2014 SMV
2100 SW 2210 SPM 1022 GCI 2015 SME
2200 SP 2220 SPC 1023 GCH 2021 SCL
1110 GWM 1011 GML 1024 GCV 2022 SCI
1120 GWC 1012 GMI 1025 GCE 2023 SCH
1210 GPM 1013 GMH 2011 SML 2024 SCV
1220 GPC 1014 GMV 2012 SMI 2025 SCE


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