what are stress characteristic of suspension structures? where are the main applications?

what are stress characteristic of suspension structures? where are the main applications?

In: Civil Engineering

part 1) if a footer is on a sandy soil with no cohesion the factors to...

part 1)

if a footer is on a sandy soil with no cohesion the factors to neglect for estimating bearing capacity per unit area of foundation include (choose all that apply):

Group of answer choices



Depth of the foundation

Dimensions of the Excavation

part 2)

Drilled piles resisting uplift loads need steel reinforcement:

Group of answer choices



In: Civil Engineering

Question 1 a) Explain using the concept of depth changes and specific energy why Bernoulli's equation...

Question 1 a) Explain using the concept of depth changes and specific energy why Bernoulli's equation cannot be used to derive the Hydraulic Jump formula. (10) b) Derive the Hydraulic Jurnp formula starting with the conservation of momentum that states Net Pressure Force is equal to Change in Mornentum using discharge per unit width i.e. /,9Y1 = P9(it — V2) where location 1 is upstream of the jurnp and location 2 is downstream. (15)

In: Civil Engineering

Rectangular Combined Footing design

Rectangular Combined Footing design

In: Civil Engineering

How each of the pillars of sustainability(Social sustainability,Economic sustainability,Environmental sustainability) could be realized in (Construction &...

How each of the pillars of sustainability(Social sustainability,Economic sustainability,Environmental sustainability) could be realized in (Construction & Demolition Waste Management) practice?

In: Civil Engineering

. List five possible methods for deep ground improvement.

. List five possible methods for deep ground improvement.

In: Civil Engineering

How can ground improvement methods be classified in terms of their functions?

How can ground improvement methods be classified in terms of their functions?

In: Civil Engineering

A pin-ended chord of a truss is treated as a member in a braced frame. Its...

A pin-ended chord of a truss is treated as a member in a braced frame. Its length is 12 ft. It must carry a tension dead load of 95 kips and live load of 180 kips along with a uniformly distributed transverse dead load of 1.2 kips/ft and live load of 2.3 kips/ft. Will a W8x67, A992 member be adequate if the transverse load is applied to put the bending about the strong axis? Determine by (a) LRFD and (b) ASD. [8.14- 12-Tension]

In: Civil Engineering

How the Green Certification of buildings could aid in creating projects that are environmentally responsible and...

How the Green Certification of buildings could aid in creating projects that are environmentally responsible and resource efficient?

In: Civil Engineering

Using the flow rate of 250 gpm, select a plastic pipe diameter (2”, 4”, 6”, 8”,...

  1. Using the flow rate of 250 gpm, select a plastic pipe diameter (2”, 4”, 6”, 8”, 10”…) & determine the approximate pump head based on the following:
    1. Minor pipe losses include 6-90 degree bends (standard) and one plug valve straightway. Document your source for your K-values.
    2. Document which calculation method you used to calculate the total pump head.
    3. To save energy, choose the largest pipe diameter that provides the recommended 2.0 fps velocity of flow.
    4. Assume nominal pipe diameters as the inside pipe diameter.
    5. The connection is 10,500 feet from the pump station.
    6. The connection point located at an elevation of 768.6 feet above MSL. The low water elevation in the station (at which point the pump will turn off) is 755.0 feet above MSL.

Recommended Pipe Diameter = __________________ inch

Total Pump Head = _______________________ ft

In: Civil Engineering

what is creep ? Discuss the theories propounded to explain probable causes of creep.

what is creep ? Discuss the theories propounded to explain probable causes of creep.

In: Civil Engineering

Vehicles arrive at a signalized intersection at a uniform rate of 900 veh/hr. The saturation flow...

Vehicles arrive at a signalized intersection at a uniform rate of 900 veh/hr. The saturation flow rate for the intersection is 1200 veh/hr. However, a crash has reduced the saturation flow rate to only 300 veh/hr for a one-hour period. Assuming D/D/1 queuing, determine:

a. How long will it take for the resulting queue to clear? (6 points)

b. How much delay is experienced as compared to if the saturation flow rate had NOT been reduced? (6 points)

c. What is the average delay per vehicle during the period over which queuing occurs? (4 points)

d. What is the average queue length during the period over which queuing occurs? (4 points)

In: Civil Engineering

"How could a solid understanding of Project Management Plans contribute to the potential employability of an...

"How could a solid understanding of Project Management Plans contribute to the potential employability of an engineer? (Why is it important to know about this?). In your response, propose methods for how this engineer could demonstrate their knowledge to a potential employer (Beyond showing them a copy of a Project Management Plan)."

Please answer this in 200 words

In: Civil Engineering

Based upon the following tasks, durations and predecessor relationships which of the following tasks is not...

Based upon the following tasks, durations and predecessor relationships which of the following tasks is not critical? 1, 10, N/A; 2,8,1; 3,5, 1; 4, 9, 1; 5, 6, 3; 6, 6, 2; 7, 11, 5; 8, 10, 6; 9, 9, 4; 10, 7, 9; 11, 10,( 7,8,10);

a. 4

b. 9

c. 6

d. 10

In: Civil Engineering

A field density test has been run on a soil containing 18% of its weight in...

A field density test has been run on a soil containing 18% of its weight in particles retained on the No. 4 sieve. The dry density of the total sample was 128.7 pcf and the water content was 7%. The water content of the gravel fraction was 3%. the specific gravity of the solids was 2.69. Compute the water content and dry density of the soil fraction of the fill that passes the No. 4 sieve.

In: Civil Engineering