A pumping well has four monitoring wells, MW1 is 20m, MW2 is 500m, MW3 is 600m,...

A pumping well has four monitoring wells, MW1 is 20m, MW2 is 500m, MW3 is 600m, MW4 is 700m, and the pond is 950m from the pumping well. The drawdown measured at MW1 during the pumping test conducted at a rate of 0.240m3/min:

Time (min) Drawdown (m)
0.083 0.033
0.167 0.074
1.000 0.221
4.000 0.358
120.000 0.694
360.000 0.816
1080.000 0.913
1440.000 0.941

T=0.195m2/min and S=1.32x10^-4

What drawdown is expected at the four monitoring wells after 5 years of pumping at 30 L/s?

In: Civil Engineering

For a slab with overall dimensions of 40m x 45m, locate the columns and the beams....

For a slab with overall dimensions of 40m x 45m, locate the columns and the beams. Choose dimensions that allow using the ACI coefficients. The slab may be solid with drop beams (1m wide representative slab strip treated as rectangular, and drop beam treated as T-section), or ribbed with hidden beams (ribs treated as T-sections and beams treated as rectangular).
Assume all columns are 50cm x 50cm.
Dead load is that of the slab, in addition to 1cm tiles, 3cm mortar, and 10cm fill. Live load is
2 0.5 t/m .
Add 0.25 t/m2 to the live load for partitions.
Use fc’ = 28 MPa fy = 420 MPa
Design the slab and the beams for flexure and shear.
Development length requirements must be followed to determine the required bar lengths.
Submit all your analysis and design calculations neatly. Use appropriate plans and sections to present your design.

In: Civil Engineering

Mix the aggregates given the results of sieve analysis test in Table 1 in appropriate proportions,...

Mix the aggregates given the results of sieve analysis test in Table 1 in appropriate proportions, show the granulometry curves of each aggregate and mixture in Figure 2, calculate the fineness modulus (FM) of the mixture.












A1(Passing) %P1









A2 (Retained,



















In: Civil Engineering

Two triaxial tests are performed on a clay. At failure, the results are: Test 1: σ3...

  1. Two triaxial tests are performed on a clay. At failure, the results are:

Test 1: σ3 = 30 kPa, P = 0.45 kN, A = 0.01 m2, u = 10 kPa

Test 2: σ3 = 60 kPa, P = 0.70 kN, A = 0.01 m2, u = 20 kPa

  1. Find σ1, σ3, σ'1, and σ'3 at failure for both tests.
  2. Draw the effective stress Mohr's circle for both tests and draw the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope for the clay. What are f' and c' for the clay? Write the equation for the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope.
  3. Is the clay normally consolidated or over consolidated? Why?

In: Civil Engineering

Assignment will be prepared on any issue (It is up to you) concerning occupational health and...

Assignment will be prepared on any issue (It is up to you) concerning occupational health and safety and your professional field. For example

If you are a Civil Engineering student; investigate and report the relationship between occupational health and safety and construction Works.

approximately 5 pages document.

i need a report 5 page for relationship between occupational health and safety with civil engineering field

In: Civil Engineering

(a) DESCRIBE the reasons why concrete has to be pre-stressed before use as a load-bearing beam....

(a) DESCRIBE the reasons why concrete has to be pre-stressed before use as a load-bearing beam. [3 MARKS]

(b) EXPLAIN with DIAGRAMS how pre-stressed concrete is made. [5 MARKS]

(c) EXPLAIN why pre-stressed concrete loses its strength when subjected to excessive heat from a fire. [2 MARKS]

In: Civil Engineering

Describe the process of producing GFRC panels, illustrating your account with simple sketches.?

Describe the process of producing GFRC panels, illustrating your account with simple sketches.?

In: Civil Engineering

please type thank you What is superfund? How many superfund sites in Mississippi? List them! The...

please type thank you

What is superfund?
How many superfund sites in Mississippi? List them!
The identification of a site for the NPL is intended primarily to guide EPA in…?
How many NPL sites in Mississippi? List them!
What is HRS and what are four pathways can be scored under the HRS?E

In: Civil Engineering

A 12 in. x 18 in. rectangular beam has an effective span of 20 ft. A...

A 12 in. x 18 in. rectangular beam has an effective span of 20 ft. A dead load of 1500 lb/ft (includes self weight) and a live load of 4000 lb/ft is applied to the beam. The concrete and steel strengths are 4000 psi and 60000 psi respectively. Design and detail the shear reinforcement for the beam. Assume d is 2 inches less than h

In: Civil Engineering

Que 1: a. Describe four different materials used for curing.             b. Explain how ponding curing...

Que 1: a. Describe four different materials used for curing.

            b. Explain how ponding curing different from wet covering curing

C. Explain factors that could affect the curing of concrete


In: Civil Engineering

Briefly discuss how does the incorporation of aggregates influence strength of cement basis materials (hint explain...

Briefly discuss how does the incorporation of aggregates influence strength of cement basis materials (hint explain why strength of concrete is lower than strength of cement paste)

In: Civil Engineering

Address how your hotel/resort will impact the surrounding community in the areas of energy and water...

Address how your hotel/resort will impact the surrounding community in the areas of energy and water use as well as waste-trash and sewerage. The project will identify how the property, its’ activities and guests will impact the surrounding environment, depending on the nature of your recreational activities. This hotel is located in Islamorada, FL (Florida keys)

In: Civil Engineering

8) Design a concrete mix for the following conditions and constraints using the absolute volume method:...

8) Design a concrete mix for the following conditions and constraints using the absolute volume method: Design Environment : Non-air entrained concrete will be used to cast Concrete frame. Required design strength(5000 psi) Minimum dimension (10 in.) Minimum space between rebars (1.5 in.) Minimum cover over rebars (2.5 in.) Standard deviation of compressive strength (600 psi) , (25 samples) Available Materials Cement Type II , moderate exposure Coarse aggregate Nominal Maximum size 1 in. river gravel (round) Bulk oven dry specific gravity =2.65, absorption = 3%, oven dry density 110 pcf , Moisture content 2%. Fine aggregate : Natural sand , Bulk oven-dry specific 2.5 , Absorption = 1% , Moisture content = 0.5% , Fineness modulus = 2.80

In: Civil Engineering

please type thank you What is hazardous waste? Describe the characteristic waste in detail? Find and...

please type thank you

What is hazardous waste?
Describe the characteristic waste in detail?
Find and Print a copy of Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedures (TCLP) (Method 1311) and keep in your binder.
How the hazardous waste delists from the hazardous waste?
Describe requirements for hazardous waste generators and transporters?

In: Civil Engineering

(Time limited 70mins) Q.1 A dried soil was subjected to particle size analysis with the following...

(Time limited 70mins)

Q.1 A dried soil was subjected to particle size analysis with the following results:

Results of Sieve analysis
Sieve (mm) Mass Retained (g) Mass Retained (%) Percent Passing (%)
60.000 29.6 MR1 PP1
6.000 13.0 MR2 PP2
2.000 11.6 MR3 PP3
0.600 19.5 MR4 PP4
0.063 11.4 MR5 PP5
Pan 3.7 MR6 PP6

Determine the percentage (%) for gravel (G):

Q.2 Determine the percentage (%) for sand (S):

Q.3 Classify the fine-grained portion of the soil sample by using the Plasticity Chart.

Provide your answer by using the format listed in the table below.

i.e. if the answer is CH, enter 3 as your answer.

Classification of fine-grained portion of the soil
No. Classification No. Classification
1 CL 6 ML
2 CI 7 MI
3 CH 8 MH
4 CV 9 MV
5 CE 10 ME

Q.4 Determine the coefficient of uniformity (Cu):

Q.5 Determine the coefficient of curvature (Cc):

Q.6 Determine the effective size, D10 in mm:

Q.7 Determine the effective size, D30 in mm:

Q.8 Determine the effective size, D60 in mm:

Q.9 Determine the plastic index of the soil sample if the plastic limit (PL) and the liquid limit (LL) are 15.1 and 49.1, respectively:


Classify the fine-grained portion of the soil sample by using the British Soil Classification System.

Provide your answer by using the format listed in the table below.

i.e. if the answer is SCL, enter 2021 as your answer.

British Soil Classification System
No. Classification No. Classification No. Classification No. Classification
1100 GW 2110 SWM 1015 GME 2013 SMH
1200 GP 2120 SWC 1021 GCL 2014 SMV
2100 SW 2210 SPM 1022 GCI 2015 SME
2200 SP 2220 SPC 1023 GCH 2021 SCL
1110 GWM 1011 GML 1024 GCV 2022 SCI
1120 GWC 1012 GMI 1025 GCE 2023 SCH
1210 GPM 1013 GMH 2011 SML 2024 SCV
1220 GPC 1014 GMV 2012 SMI 2025 SCE

In: Civil Engineering