Answer the following questions from Civil Engineering Licensure Examination a. CE Board May 2007 A 300...

Answer the following questions from Civil Engineering Licensure Examination

a. CE Board May 2007
A 300 mm concrete wall supports a dead load of 300 KN/m and a live load 0f 220 KN. The allowable
bearing pressure is 240 KN/m2 and the level of the footing is 1.2 m below the ground surface. Assume
concrete weighs 24 KN/m3 and that of soil is 16 KN/m3, fc’ = 28 Mpa, fy =248 Mpa. Use 28 mmθ
reinforcing bars. Thickness of footing = 600 mm, steel covering 100 mm. Determine the spacing of bars
at critical section.

b. CE Board May 2012
A 450 mm square interior column carries a dead load of 825 KN and a live load of 668 KN. A
rectangular footing is required to carry the column loads such that the length of the long side must be
equal to twice the width of the short side. Assume base of footing is 1.5 m below the ground surface.
Allowable bearing pressure of soil is 15.74 KN/m3 and that of concrete is 23.5 KN/m3. Use normal
weight concrete. Thickness of footing is 0.60 m. Determine the steel requirements in the short and
long direction

In: Civil Engineering

Identify any one busy street on your community with large volumes of surface traffic comprised of...

Identify any one busy street on your community with large volumes of surface traffic comprised of vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. Then answer the following questions

  1. Explain how you would carry out problem identification, and if a problem is found to exist, discuss how you would assess the need for a solution.

  1. From the assessment you made above (in a), assume that you have established the need for a solution and that you have decided to produce a conceptual design to solve the problem. List and discuss any five conceptual design alternatives.

  1. from (b) above, how would you

i). establish the goals and objectives;

ii). the criteria to assess the desirability, efficiency, or effectiveness of each design alternative; and

iii)choose the best of the conceptual design alternatives.

In: Civil Engineering

Write a detailed note on effects of atmospheric hazards on human life. Note: Plagiarism of assignment...

Write a detailed note on effects of atmospheric hazards on human life. Note: Plagiarism of assignment must be under 12%.

In: Civil Engineering

a 3 paragraph conclusion on the effects of the 1975 in lebanon.

a 3 paragraph conclusion on the effects of the 1975 in lebanon.

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss the smart concrete materials by self-sensing materials as a breakthrough resulting form use of nanotechnology

Discuss the smart concrete materials by self-sensing materials as a breakthrough resulting form use of nanotechnology

In: Civil Engineering

steel structure Q1. The column carries 60 kips dead load and 40 kips live load, its...

steel structure
Q1. The column carries 60 kips dead load and 40 kips live load, its length is 20 ft, and the steel is A992. Assume the member as pinned at the top and bottom.

(a) Compute Pa;

(b) Determine the effective length (KL);

(c) Use ASD method to select the lightest W section;

(d) Check the local buckling slenderness limits of the selected section.

In: Civil Engineering

W shape column must support a axial load (DL=500 kips y LL= 300 kips). The element...

W shape column must support a axial load (DL=500 kips y LL= 300 kips). The element is 30 ft length and braced in the y direction at 14 ft from the column base. The end support conditions are (fixed/pinned). Justify the material’s selection. verify slenderness and local buckling and Select the lightest section

In: Civil Engineering

How would the hydraulic performance of the culvert change if instead a pipe you use a...

How would the hydraulic performance of the culvert change if instead a pipe you use a box culvert of dimensions 39 mm x 39 mm? Would it change the type of control (i.e., inlet/outlet controls)?

give full answers with calculation

In: Civil Engineering

Environmental Engineering Water Treatment Wastewater Treatment Waste Water Treatment. A river is used as water resource...

Environmental Engineering
Water Treatment
Wastewater Treatment
Waste Water Treatment.

A river is used as water resource for a town. During monitoring, high level of NH3 is detected.
A) What are the reasons for this pollution?
B) Is it logical to continue feeding the water treatment system?
C) Can NH3 be removed by regular units in a typical water treatment plant? In summary, how do you solve this problem, explain your reasons.

In: Civil Engineering

You are renovating a 900 ft2, 1-story house and decide to invest in adding more insulation...

You are renovating a 900 ft2, 1-story house and decide to invest in adding more insulation to make it more energy efficient. As part of the renovation, you add cellulose to the wall cavities and improve the R-value of the walls from R12 to R30. In doing so, you reduce the air exchange rate from 1 h-1 to 0.5 h-1. Assume that the house is built on a square foundation, the height from the floor to the ceiling is 10 feet, and the wall thickness is 1 foot. For the sake of simplicity, ignore losses through the floor and ceiling and losses due to air infiltration. HINT: the heat loss through bldg skin equation [Heat loss through bldg. skin = (1/R) x (area) x (time)] provides the total heat loss over a given time period per degree delta T. R-value units are [(ft2·ºF·hr)/Btu].

  1. (10 points) Draw an energy balance diagram for this problem.
  2. (10 points) Calculate the total amount of heat needed to maintain the house temperature at 65ºF inside when it is 0ºF outside for a full day (24 hours) AFTER the renovation occurred.
  3. (10 points) Calculate the total amount of heat needed to maintain the house temperature at 65ºF inside when it is 0 ºF outside for a full day (24 hours) BEFORE the renovation occurred.
  4. (10 points) If you used 100% efficient electric heat, how much money would you save on electricity per year by improving the R-value of the walls? Assume the home is located in an area with 700 heating degree days per year and the price of electricity is 13 cents per kWh.

(1 kWh = 3412.14 Btu)

  1. (10) How would you expect the renovation to impact indoor air quality in the home? You may answer this question either qualitatively or quantitatively (e.g., with an example).

In: Civil Engineering

Wastewater plant discharges effluent in river from the center. Characteristics of River and wastewater is given...

Wastewater plant discharges effluent in river from the center. Characteristics of River and wastewater is given in Table below.

Velocity of River V= 10 cm/s,

After intial mix, Dissolved-oxygen concentration C0 = 9.5 mg/L,

Saturation Dissolved-oxygen concentration at 15 C Cs= 11 mg/L,

Deoxgenation rate at 20 C k1,20 = 0.55 per day,

Reoxgenation rate at 20 C k2,200= 0.85 per day

Temperature of River Tr=12 C

BOD load L0=25 mg/L

How long (in days) it takes to reach DO concentration fully saturation level (11 mg/L)

In: Civil Engineering

AZ|AB = 272° 09’ 15” BRG|BC = S 16° 13’ 51” W       AZ|CD = 96° 52’...

  1. AZ|AB = 272° 09’ 15”
  2. BRG|BC = S 16° 13’ 51” W      
  3. AZ|CD = 96° 52’ 00”
  4. BRG|DA = N 7° 42’ 35” W

  1. you were given directions (bearings or azimuths) of 4 sides of a closed polygon traverse: ABCDA.
    1. By taking the difference between successive azimuths, find the four deflection angles (i.e., angles from the projection of the previous line to the next line) for this traverse. For example: DEFL ∠B = AZ|BC – AZ|AB. What is the sum of the deflection angles?
    2. For this traverse, what is the geometrically correct total of the sum of the interior angles ((INT ∠))?
    3. For this traverse, what is the geometrically correct total of the sum of the exterior angles ((EXT ∠))?

In: Civil Engineering

Sedimentation reduces the reservoir capacities and can affect reservoir operation and effectiveness. 1) Describe the factors...

Sedimentation reduces the reservoir capacities and can affect reservoir operation and effectiveness.

1) Describe the factors that contributes to reservoir sedimentation, and hence discuss some methods on how this issue can be solved or mitigated.

In: Civil Engineering

Problems 3, 4 and 5 refer to the following alternatives on the table below Consider the...

Problems 3, 4 and 5 refer to the following alternatives on the table below

Consider the following alternatives that have a ten-year useful life. The MARR is 10%

Alternatives A B C
Initial Cost 800 300 150
Uniform Annual Benefit (s) 142 60 33.5

3. Based on Benefit-Cost ratio analysis, the alternative to be selected is

(A)    Alternative A

(B)    Alternative B

(C)    Alternative C

(D)   No Alternative

4. Based on Payback Period, the alternative to select is

(A)    Alternative A

(B)    Alternative B

(C)    Alternative C

No Alternative

5.  Based on Future Worth, the alternative to select is

(A)    Alternative A

(B)    Alternative B

(C)    Alternative C

(D)   No Alternative

In: Civil Engineering

What is the difference between U-tube differential manometers and inverted U-tube differential manometers?

What is the difference between U-tube differential manometers and inverted U-tube differential manometers?

In: Civil Engineering