Question 1 Two catalysts are being analysed to determine how they affect the mean yield of...

Question 1

Two catalysts are being analysed to determine how they affect the mean yield of a chemical process. Specifically, catalyst 1 is currently used; but catalyst 2 is acceptable. Since catalyst 2 is cheaper, it should be adopted if it does not change the process yield. A test is run in the pilot plant and the results are shown as follows:

Catalyst Yield Data Observation Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Catalyst 1 91.5 94.18 92.18 95.39 91.79 89.07 94.72 89.21
Catalyst 2 89.19 90.95 90.46 93.21 97.19 97.04 91.07 92.75

Is there any difference in the mean yields at 5% significance level assuming equal variances? [20]

In: Civil Engineering

Find the ultimate bearing capacity using Terzaghi for the given foundation located at 4.8m below ground....

Find the ultimate bearing capacity using Terzaghi for the given foundation located at 4.8m below ground. Water table at 2.2m below ground.

Soil A has H= 1.8m ɣ=15KN/m3, C=35 KN/m2, ɸ= 25, and e= 0.42.

Soil B has H= 3.0m ɣ=16KN/m3, C=45 KN/m2, ɸ= 35, and e= 0.49.

Before the foundation was laid compaction was done on both soils where results were

Soil A has ɣmax=18KN/m3, optimum water content 11% and e=0.26.

Soil B has ɣmax=20KN/m3, optimum water content 13% and e=0.29.

The foundation is 2.8x2.8m and its loosest void ratio for both soils are 0.90 and 0.82, respectively

In: Civil Engineering

A short reinforced concrete column is subjected to a 1000 kN axial compressive load. The moduli...

  1. A short reinforced concrete column is subjected to a 1000 kN axial compressive load. The moduli of elasticity of plain concrete and steel are 25 GPa and 207 GPa, respectively, and the cross-sectional area of steel is 2% of that of the reinforced concrete. Considering the column as a structural member made of a composite material and subjected to load parallel to the steel rebars, calculate the following:

a. the modulus of elasticity of the reinforced concrete

b. the load carried by each of the steel and plain concrete

c. the minimum required cross-sectional area of the column given that the allowable compressive stress of plain concrete is 20 MPa and that the allowable compressive stress of plain concrete will be reached before that of steel.

d. Plot the stress-strain behavior for the steel fiber, concrete and composite on the same plot.

In: Civil Engineering

A 1200 mm deep by 750 mm wide post-tensioned simply supported beam is shown below. The...

A 1200 mm deep by 750 mm wide post-tensioned simply supported beam is shown below. The beam spans 12.0 m and is subject to a superimposed dead load of 50 kN/m and a live load of 35 kN/m. Both the superimposed dead load and live load are applied after transfer (after stressing has taken place). The tendon is located at the mid-height of the beam at each end, and its centreline sits 50 mm from the base at midspan. The concrete strength at transfer is 22 MPa, and at maturity is 40 MPa. Assume Ec = 32800 MPa, γc = 24 kN/m3 and ignore any prestress losses. You are to assess the following:

a) If Pi = 2700 kN, assess the adequacy of the beam at transfer. In addition, assuming Pi cannot be changed, briefly describe three methods that could be used to ensure the transfer stresses are within code limits.

b) If Pi = 1750 kN and all the load has been applied, determine the percentage of the total dead load balanced.

c) Estimate the approximate total short-term and long-term deflection under the load combination G + 0.7Q. Assume Pi = 1750 kN and Фcc = 2.8.

d) If the beam has the reinforcement arrangement shown below, assess the ultimate moment capacity under the load combination 1.2G + 1.5Q. Assume fpy = 1780 MPa, fpb = 1920 MPa and fsy = 500 MPa. Note: Ast = 2464 mm2, Asc = 1808 mm2 and Ap = 1790 mm2. Only two iterations of dn are required.

In: Civil Engineering

What factors contributed to the rise of fundamentalism in the United States during the 1920’s? In...

What factors contributed to the rise of fundamentalism in the United States during the 1920’s? In what ways did the automobile contribute to economic growth in the 1920’s? In what ways did the automobile contribute to social change in the 1920’s? Why did the stock market crash in 1929? What were the weaknesses of the New Deal?

In: Civil Engineering

-What is Wilson’s legacy to America’s future foreign policy?

-What is Wilson’s legacy to America’s future foreign policy?

In: Civil Engineering

reveals a longitudinal section of a circular tube with a length of l = 300 m....

reveals a longitudinal section of a circular tube with a length of l = 300 m. Additionally, the absolute roughness of the boundary, the diameter of the circular tube, the continuous loss over the whole length and the kinematic viscosity of the real fluid are given. Longitudinal section of a steel tube Given l = 300 m k = 1 mm d = 1.00 m hLoss, continuous = 0.50 m ν = 1.3 * 10-6 m2 /s For a similar system the continuous loss coefficient λ was derived to λ = 0.02. i)

Prove, if this λ – value can be applied here to calculate the discharge in the circular tube by clearly showing your way (intermediate steps) of proof using the Moodydiagram.

ii) Calculate the discharge Q running through the circular pipe.

In: Civil Engineering

Let’s focus on the cinematography of the movie The Birth of a Nation 1915. What are...

Let’s focus on the cinematography of the movie The Birth of a Nation 1915. What are your observations of the cast, scenes, and acting in general?

In: Civil Engineering

For analyzing a bridge, bending moment diagrams were plotted for a simply supported beam of span...

For analyzing a bridge, bending moment diagrams were plotted for a simply supported beam of span 5 m when subjected to a uniformly distributed load of magnitude ‘w’ kN/m over the entire span. It was noted that maximum bending moment is equal to 37.5 kNm. Suggest a value for ‘w’ based on the requirements. How it will change the reactions at the supports? What happens to the shear force and bending moment values at the supports and at the center? By plotting bending moment and shear force diagrams for the beam briefly conclude the relationship between the
values for shear force and bending moment

In: Civil Engineering

2: Results obtained from a tension test on a bar of uniform cross section 10 mm...

2: Results obtained from a tension test on a bar of uniform cross section 10 mm x 10 mm subjected to an axial pull of 8000 N were tabulated. The lateral dimensions of the bar were found to be changed to 9.9985 mm x 9.9985 mm while using a material having modulus of rigidity equal to 0.8 x 107 N/cm2. By determining the values for different moduli, identify the properties of material and establish the relationship between them. What changes will happen to the volume if the length of the bar is equal to 2.5 m? Based on the results obtained discuss how the elastic constants are related to the deformation of the bar?

In: Civil Engineering

What is the importance of calculating the effective stress in a soil mass?

What is the importance of calculating the effective stress in a soil mass?

In: Civil Engineering

What are the practical applications of numerical methods. Give all and explain briefly each.

What are the practical applications of numerical methods. Give all and explain briefly each.

In: Civil Engineering

Sainte-Chapelle In Paris 1. How is the structure supported and is that structure visible to the...

Sainte-Chapelle In Paris

1. How is the structure supported and is that structure visible to the viewer inside?

2. When built it held what two records?

3. What does the Sainte-Chapelle chapel resemble?

4. Define: Hemicycle

please no handwriting

In: Civil Engineering

Give the steps in solving the Residue and Relaxation method.

Give the steps in solving the Residue and Relaxation method.

In: Civil Engineering

1.Melting point of TiO2 is 1843oC. A TiO2 pellet was sintered at 627oC for 1 hour....

1.Melting point of TiO2 is 1843oC. A TiO2 pellet was sintered at 627oC for 1 hour. The resulting pellet will have the following characteristics.

No sintering activity and remains as a powder is the correct answer among the choices. I would just like an explanation to why.

In: Civil Engineering