
In: Computer Science

Assembly language please Test Score Evaluation Create a procedure named CalcGrade that receives an integer value...

Assembly language please

Test Score Evaluation
Create a procedure named CalcGrade that receives an integer value between 0 and 50, and returns a single capital letter in the AL register. Preserve all other register values between calls to the procedure. The letter returned by the procedure should be displayed and should be according to the following

Score 45 to 50 Grade A
Score 40 to 44 Grade B
Score 35 to 39 Grade C
Score 0 to 34 Grade F

Write a test program that

1. asks the user to enter integer between 0 and 50, inclusive. If the user enters invalid number, please display error message.

2. Pass it to the CalcGrade procedure.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 three times so that you collect three scores from the user and display the respective grade for each score.


Expert Solution

AS NO Assembly language version is mentioned

Code for ARM64 Assembly


sub sp, sp, #16

str w0, [sp, 12]

ldr w0, [sp, 12]

cmp w0, 44

ble .L2

mov w0, 65

b .L3


ldr w0, [sp, 12]

cmp w0, 39

ble .L4

mov w0, 66

b .L3


ldr w0, [sp, 12]

cmp w0, 34

ble .L5

mov w0, 67

b .L3


mov w0, 70


add sp, sp, 16



.string "\nEnter integer 0 to 50: "


.string "Please Enter Valid integer between 0 and 50 \n"


.string "Enter integer 0 to 50: "


.string "Your Grade is "


stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!

mov x29, sp

str wzr, [sp, 28]


ldr w0, [sp, 28]

cmp w0, 2

bgt .L7

adrp x0, .LC0

add x1, x0, :lo12:.LC0

adrp x0, _ZSt4cout

add x0, x0, :lo12:_ZSt4cout

bl std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator<< <std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*)

add x0, sp, 20

mov x1, x0

adrp x0, _ZSt3cin

add x0, x0, :lo12:_ZSt3cin

bl std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::operator>>(int&)


ldr w0, [sp, 20]

cmp w0, 0

blt .L8

ldr w0, [sp, 20]

cmp w0, 50

ble .L9


adrp x0, .LC1

add x1, x0, :lo12:.LC1

adrp x0, _ZSt4cout

add x0, x0, :lo12:_ZSt4cout

bl std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator<< <std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*)

adrp x0, .LC2

add x1, x0, :lo12:.LC2

adrp x0, _ZSt4cout

add x0, x0, :lo12:_ZSt4cout

bl std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator<< <std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*)

add x0, sp, 20

mov x1, x0

adrp x0, _ZSt3cin

add x0, x0, :lo12:_ZSt3cin

bl std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::operator>>(int&)

b .L10


ldr w0, [sp, 20]

bl CalcGrade(int)

strb w0, [sp, 27]

adrp x0, .LC3

add x1, x0, :lo12:.LC3

adrp x0, _ZSt4cout

add x0, x0, :lo12:_ZSt4cout

bl std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator<< <std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*)

ldrb w1, [sp, 27]

bl std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator<< <std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char)

mov x2, x0

adrp x0, _ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_

add x1, x0, :lo12:_ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_

mov x0, x2

bl std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& (*)(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&))

ldr w0, [sp, 28]

add w0, w0, 1

str w0, [sp, 28]

b .L11


mov w0, 0

ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32


__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int):

stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!

mov x29, sp

str w0, [sp, 28]

str w1, [sp, 24]

ldr w0, [sp, 28]

cmp w0, 1

bne .L15

ldr w1, [sp, 24]

mov w0, 65535

cmp w1, w0

bne .L15

adrp x0, _ZStL8__ioinit

add x0, x0, :lo12:_ZStL8__ioinit

bl std::ios_base::Init::Init() [complete object constructor]

adrp x0, __dso_handle

add x2, x0, :lo12:__dso_handle

adrp x0, _ZStL8__ioinit

add x1, x0, :lo12:_ZStL8__ioinit

adrp x0, _ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev

add x0, x0, :lo12:_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev

bl __cxa_atexit



ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32



stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!

mov x29, sp

mov w1, 65535

mov w0, 1

bl __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)

ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16



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