
In: Computer Science

In a package named "oop" create a Scala class named "Score" with the following: • A...

In a package named "oop" create a Scala class named "Score" with the following: • A constructor that takes an Int and stores it in a member variable named score • A method named scoreGoal that takes no parameters and has return type Unit that increments the score by 1 • A method named isWinner that takes a Score object as a parameter and returns a Boolean. The method returns true if this instances score is strictly greater than the inputs objects score, false otherwise

In a package named "tests" create a Scala class named "TestScore" as a test suite that tests all the functionality listed above


Expert Solution


Please use below scala version and package to run the code, update your build.sbt with below code.

name := "scala-interview"

version := "0.1"

scalaVersion := "2.11.7"

libraryDependencies += "org.scalactic" %% "scalactic" % "3.0.8"
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.8" % "test"

Scala code(Score.scala):

package oop

class Score(x:Int) {
  //Assigning to member variable
  var score:Int = x

  //Increase score value by 1 when player hits goal
  def scoreGoal: Unit = score +=1

  //Winner check
  def isWinner = if(score > x) true else false


object oop {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    //Initialize Score class for player1 and player2
    val player1 = new Score(0)
    val player2 = new Score(0)
    //player 1 score a goal
    // Results
    println("Player1 score result: " + player1.isWinner)
    println("Player2 score result: " + player2.isWinner)

Code with result:

Test cases:

package tests

import org.scalatest._
import oop.Score

class TestScore extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
    val player1 = new Score(0)
    val player2 = new Score(0)

  "Player2 hits NO goal" should "Initial goal is 0 and final score also 0 1.Winner is false" in {
    player1.isWinner should be (false)

  "Player1 hits first goal" should "Initial goal is 0 and after the goal its 1.Winner is true" in {
    player1.isWinner should be (true)

  "Player2 hits NO goal" should "Initial goal is 0 and score also 0 .Winner is false" in {
    player2.isWinner should be (false)

  "Player2 hits a goal" should "Initial goal is 0 and score 1 .Winner is True" in {
    player2.isWinner should be (true)


Test case code screenshot:

Testcases result summary:

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