
In: Computer Science

need a code MIPS assembly language program to implement algorithms of an 8-bit integer "positive integer"...

need a code MIPS assembly language program to implement algorithms of an 8-bit integer "positive integer" to calculate the
square root for an-8 bit integer

using The Radix-2 SRT-Redundant and Non-Redundant Algorithm to approximate square root


Expert Solution

Here is the resulting MIPS assembly code:

  # v0 - return / root
  # t0 - bit
  # t1 - num
  # t2,t3 - temps
  move  $v0, $zero        # initalize return
  move  $t1, $a0          # move a0 to t1

  addi  $t0, $zero, 1
  sll   $t0, $t0, 30      # shift to second-to-top bit

  slt   $t2, $t1, $t0     # num < bit
  beq   $t2, $zero, isqrt_loop

  srl   $t0, $t0, 2       # bit >> 2
  j     isqrt_bit

  beq   $t0, $zero, isqrt_return

  add   $t3, $v0, $t0     # t3 = return + bit
  slt   $t2, $t1, $t3
  beq   $t2, $zero, isqrt_else

  srl   $v0, $v0, 1       # return >> 1
  j     isqrt_loop_end

  sub   $t1, $t1, $t3     # num -= return + bit
  srl   $v0, $v0, 1       # return >> 1
  add   $v0, $v0, $t0     # return + bit

  srl   $t0, $t0, 2       # bit >> 2
  j     isqrt_loop

  jr  $ra

You call it like any other MIPS procedure:

addi  $a0, $zero, 15
jal   isqrt # v0 = result

This procedure always returns $v0 = floor(sqrt($a0)) for positive arguments.

Beware: the code enters an infinite loop for negative arguments. Sanitize your input before calling this procedure.

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