
In: Computer Science

Hi this is Assembly Language MASM x86 program. Please write it in the language and please...

Hi this is Assembly Language MASM x86 program. Please write it in the language and please explain it with comments thank you

Please answer it I really need help this question was refunded before so please answer. Thank you so much also these are two separate programs thank you.

1) Write a procedure to read in decimal or hex number (byte-sized) Then write a procedure using shifts and ANDS to convert the string to a binary number (if is backward, that ok)

2) Put the first (byte) 10 terms of the Fibonacci series into the byte array FIB 1 1 2 3 5 … Us num1 = 1 and num2 = 1 to start, NO other numbers allowed)


Expert Solution

1) The code with detailed comments is given below:

assume cs:code, ds:data

;define data segment
data segment          
    msg1 db "Enter the Hexadecimal number:$" ; message to read a hexadecimal number
    str db 3,0,3 dup(?) ;memory location storing details on the number read
    ; byte sized hexadecimal number can hold 2 hex characters. Hence max size of str is 3 where it can hold
    ; 2 characters with an additional space for enter key.
    msg2 db 10,13,"The binary representation is: $" ; message to display binary representation of the number
data ends

code segment
    mov ax, data
    mov ds, ax ; initialization of data segment
    lea dx, msg1 ; display msg1
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h
    lea dx,str ; read the number using buffered input
    mov ah, 0Ah
    int 21h
    lea dx, msg2 ; display msg2
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h
    call HexToBin
    mov ah, 4ch ; terminate the program
    int 21h  

    mov cl,str+1 ; in case of buffered input, the length of input will be stored at location str+1
    ; cl register holds the length of the string read
    mov ch,00 ; ch stores the value of 0
    lea si,str+2 ; the strating address of the number read is stored in SI index register
    ; The following steps are repeated for every character in the number read
    mov al,[si]; character is read from location memory location pointed to by SI
    ; The ASCII values of Hex numbers can range from 30H to 39H and 41H to 46H
    cmp al,39h; check if ascii value is below or equal to 39h
    ; if the ascii code is <=39H then just and it with 0FH to obtain numbers from 01 to 09H respectively
    jbe next
    ; if ascii value id greater than 39H, then is ranging from A to F
    sub al,07h ; first subtact 7 from it to obtain values in range 3AH to 3FH
    ; then AND it with 0FH to obtain 0AH to 0FH
    and al,0Fh
    ;we would like to have only the 4 digit binary representation for each digit. So the higher order 4 bits is
    ; not necessary
    shl al,4 ; first we shift contents of al left by 4 bit positions to remove the higher order 4 bits     
    mov bl,04; the remaining 4 bits is printed one by one in a loop and bl is loop counter
    mov dl,30h ; dl stores the ascii code of 0
    shl al,1 ; shift left is done to print the binary representation if the proper order.
    ; If reverse representation is required, shift right can be used.
    adc dl,0; the shifted bit will be in the CF; if there is a carry, adc will add 1 to dl else dl will remain 30H
    ; Hence, if there is carry, 1 will be printed on screen and if there is no carry, 0 will be printed on screen
    push ax ; push ax to prevent change in value of al
    mov ah,02h ; print the value in dl on screen
    int 21h
    pop ax ; pop ax will restore value of al
    dec bl ; decrement loop counter
    jnz print; repeat loop until bl is zero
    inc si ; to print next character, increment si pointer    
    loop up ; outer loop continues until cx!=0

code ends   
end start


2) The program for computing 10 Fibonacci numbers is as follows:

data segment      
    num1 db 1
    num2 db 1
    fib db 10 dup(?)
data ends
code segment
    mov ax, data
    mov ds, ax ; initialize the data segment  
    lea si,fib ; make SI pointer point to the fib byte array
    mov al,num1 ; store num1 as 1st element in fib array
    mov [si],al
    inc si ; increment si to point to next memory location
    ;store num2 as 2nd element in fib array
    mov al,num2
    mov [si],al
    inc si ; incement si pointer
    mov cx,8 ; since two numbers are already stored, 8 more numbers will have to be generated.
    mov al,num1 ; mov num1 to al
    add al,num2 ; add num2 to al
    daa ; convert the result of hexadecimal addition to decimal value by using DAA
    mov [si],al ; store the result in location pointed to bi SI
    ; perform, num1 = num2, num2 = al using register bl
    mov bl,num2
    mov num1,bl
    mov num2,al
    inc si ; increment si pointer
    loop up ; execute the loop until 8 fibonacci numbers are generated.
    mov ah, 4ch ; exit to operating system.
    int 21h  
code ends
end start


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