In: Nursing
There are various medical emergencies that are associated with dental care.
1. Syncope: It is the most important as well as the most common medical emergency that could arise during the oral examination at the dentisit.
Eitiological factors ( cause )includes:-
Blood vessel involved in decreased cerebral perfusion is carotid arteries and carotid vien. While during dental procedure there is chance of manipulating the carotid region ( on either side of neck) which results in hypotension and bradycardia, there by resulting in sycope.
Management of sycope
2. Airway obstruction another emergency which is associated with dental chair.
Mainly caused due to
Anatomial part involved is oro-larynx region of respiratory system which results in impaired gas exchange in lungs causing cyanosis, decreased oxygen supply to brain and cardiovascular system.
Management of Airway obstruction:
3. Myocardial infraction (MI) is another emergency which is related with dental care.
The main cause of MI with relation to detal procedures may be:-
Blood vessels involved are coronary arteries and carotid artery.
Management includes: