
In: Psychology

Describe an aspect of human development in each area ( physical, cognitive, personality and social )...

Describe an aspect of human development in each area ( physical, cognitive, personality and social ) that is affected by nature and nurture. Be very specific and provide examples.


Expert Solution

Physical develoment:

Nature is influennce by inheritance and other biological factor like height , hair , eyes where nurture is external enviornment factor after conception like the product of exposure , Experiencing , learning.Nature play a significant role more child physical develoment.if child has born with some genetic syndrome like Morfan syndrome, down syndrome , which retarted child optimum physical develoment .for example if a a child suffer in cyostic fybrosis. Then child digestive system will damage.on the other hand , if child does not take proper nutrition then it also causes malnutrition and hampered in physical develoment.

Cognitive Development:

Cognitive develoment is thinking process throughout the life span .if child is suffer in down syndrome then intellectual develoment is delays .in piaget theory , focus on chilldren progress Qualititively through diffrent stage of development where nature is affected.Tobacco , malnutrition , recereational drug, during pregnancy not affect in growth of foetus but also make child cognitive impirement .for example , if a child doesn't get healthy enviornment or nurture , then he will unable to proper cognitive develoment.


Personality is permits a predictiion that what a person will do in a given situation or all-round develoment of child.Personality is greatly influennce by nature and nurture. If a child physicallly disable due to nature then his personality develoment will be ratarted due to lack of confidence , inferiority complex , conflict etc but if child is get proper nurture then he can boost his growth of personality in multidimensional way.

Social develoment:

Social develoment is ability to effectivly interact with other person .nurture majorly affect the social develoment of child .social develoment started of child in family and school is most influencive medium of socialization of if child get conducive Environment in family as well as school then obviously he can easily developed himself socially .but if child is genetically Physical disabled then mostly time spent in isolation and having inferiority to contact with other due to poor self esteem. Therefore , his social develoment will not take place properly.

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