
In: Computer Science

Using Python Write a GUI program that converts a distance in Meters to the equivalent distance...

Using Python

Write a GUI program that converts a distance in Meters to the equivalent distance in Feet. The user should be able to enter a distance in Meters, click a button, and then see the equivalent distance in feet. Use the following formula to make the conversion:

Meters = Feet x 0.304

For example, 1 Meter is 3.28 Feet.


Expert Solution

Solution: Python 3

import tkinter as tk

window = tk.Tk()

def convert():
    meters = float(input_meter.get())
    feets = meters / 0.304

Meters = tk.Label(window, text="Enter Meters :", width=12, font=("arial",10,"bold")), y=20)
input_meter = tk.Entry(window, width=15),y=20)
unit1 = tk.Label(window, text="Meters", width=6, font=("arial",10,"bold")), y=20)

Feets = tk.Label(window, text="Result:", width=7, font=("arial",10,"bold")), y=85)
output_feet = tk.Entry(window, width=15),y=85)
unit2 = tk.Label(window, text="Feets", width=6, font=("arial",10,"bold")), y=85)

button = tk.Button(window, text="Convert", width=12, bg="brown", fg="white", command=convert) 100, y=50)



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