
In: Computer Science

In python. Write a program that takes 2 string inputs and calculates the Hamming Distance. Hamming...

In python.

Write a program that takes 2 string inputs and calculates the Hamming Distance. Hamming distance between two strings is the number of positions at which the corresponding symbols are different.

The program should output an integer representing this distance.

For example



answer = 4

More examples:

"Phone" and "PHOONE" = 3

"God" and "Dog" = 2

"Dog" and "House" = 4


Expert Solution

I have written the code using PYTHON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.



#Function definition for stringdifference

def stringdifference (string1,string2):

diff = 0 #initialized diff with zero

#to get the minimum length string

minimum = min(len(string1),len(string2))

#For loop for getting the diff count

for i in range(minimum):

if(string1[i].lower() != string2[i].lower()):

diff += 1

#condition for adding the remaining character of bigger string

if(len(string1) > len(string2)):

diff += len(string1) - len(string2)


diff += len(string2) - len(string1)

return diff#returned result

if(__name__ == "__main__"):

str1 = input("Enter String 1: ")

str2 = input("Enter String 2: ")

print("Hamming Distance = {:d}".format(stringdifference(str1,str2)))


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