
In: Computer Science

Python! Create a program that does the following: Reads a number from the user. Calls a...


Create a program that does the following:

  • Reads a number from the user.
  • Calls a function that finds all the divisors of that number.
  • Calls another function to see if the number 7 is a divisor of the original number.
  • Keeps reading input from the user and calling the function above until the user enters the letter ‘q’.

Create 2 functions findDivisors() and lucky7(). Use docstrings to explain what each function does. Use the help() function to output the docstring at the end of your program.


Expert Solution

def findDivisors(number):
This function creates an empty list. For every integer from 1 to number, number is divided by i
to check if remainder is zero(exactly divisible) if yes it will be added to list. This lst will be returned to caller
i = 1
while i <= number :
if (number % i==0) :
i = i + 1
return lst
def lucky7(number):
This function checks if the given number is divisible by 7 exactly
if yes returns true otherwise false
if number%7==0:
return True
return False

number=input('Enter a number: ')
while number!='q':
print("Divisors of ",number," : ",findDivisors(number))
print("7 is a divisor of ",number)
print("7 is not a divisor of ",number)
number=input('Enter a number: ')


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