
In: Computer Science

Create a Hangman game using C++ by QT creator. please separate each code that will insert...

Create a Hangman game using C++ by QT creator.

please separate each code that will insert in hider files and cpp files and use an accurate screeshoots if needed.

Thanks in advance.


Expert Solution

This is the working code for Hangman game developed by QT creator.

#include "HanGame.h"

#include <QFile>

#include <QDebug>

#include <QBuffer>

#include <QRandomGenerator>

#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrentRun>

// Code for HanGame.h header file

HanGame::HanGame(QObject *parent)

    : QObject(parent)

    , m_lock(QMutex::Recursive)

    , m_vowelsUnlocked(false)


    connect(this, &HanGame::vowelBought, this, &HanGame::registerLetterBought);

    QtConcurrent::run(this, &HanGame::initWordList);

    m_vowelsUnlocked = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/vowelsUnlocked", false).toBool();

    m_vowelsAvailable = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/vowelsAvailable", 0).toInt();

    m_wordsGiven = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/wordsGiven", 0).toInt();

    m_wordsGuessedCorrectly = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/wordsGuessedCorrectly", 0).toInt();

    m_score = m_persistentSettings.value("Hangman/score", 0).toInt();


// Game Reset Code

void HanGame::reset()



    emit lettersOwnedChanged();

    emit errorCountChanged();



// Game reveal code

void HanGame::reveal()


    m_lettersOwned += vowels() + consonants();

    emit errorCountChanged();

    emit lettersOwnedChanged();


// Game Over Code

void HanGame::gameOverReveal()


    m_lettersOwned += vowels() + consonants();

    emit lettersOwnedChanged();


// Requesting code

void HanGame::requestLetter(const QString &letterString)


    Q_ASSERT(letterString.size() == 1);

    QChar letter =;



// Guess the word code

void HanGame::guessWord(const QString &word)


    if (, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {

        //Determine how many vowels were earned

        setVowelsAvailable(m_vowelsAvailable + calculateEarnedVowels());

        //score is number of remaining consonants + remaining errors

        setScore(m_score + calculateEarnedPoints());

        m_lettersOwned += m_word.toUpper();

    } else {

        // Small hack to get an additional penalty for guessing wrong

        static int i=0;

        Q_ASSERT(i < 10);

        m_lettersOwned += QString::number(i++);

        emit errorCountChanged();


    emit lettersOwnedChanged();


// To check vowels

bool HanGame::isVowel(const QString &letter)


    Q_ASSERT(letter.size() == 1);

    QChar letterChar =;

    return vowels().contains(letterChar);


QString HanGame::vowels() const


    return QStringLiteral("AEIOU");


// Check Constanants

QString HanGame::consonants() const


    return QStringLiteral("BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ");


int HanGame::errorCount() const


    int count = 0;

    for (QChar c : m_lettersOwned) {

        if (!m_word.contains(c))



    return count;


bool HanGame::vowelsUnlocked() const


    return m_vowelsUnlocked;


void HanGame::setVowelsUnlocked(bool vowelsUnlocked)


    if (m_vowelsUnlocked != vowelsUnlocked) {

        m_vowelsUnlocked = vowelsUnlocked;

        m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/vowelsUnlocked", m_vowelsUnlocked);

        emit vowelsUnlockedChanged(m_vowelsUnlocked);



int HanGame::vowelsAvailable() const


    return m_vowelsAvailable;


int HanGame::wordsGiven() const


    return m_wordsGiven;


int HanGame::wordsGuessedCorrectly() const


    return m_wordsGuessedCorrectly;


// Calculating the score

int HanGame::score() const


    return m_score;


void HanGame::setScore(int score)


    if (m_score != score) {

        m_score = score;

        m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/score", m_score);

        emit scoreChanged(score);



void HanGame::setWordsGiven(int count)


    if (m_wordsGiven != count) {

        m_wordsGiven = count;

        m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/wordsGiven", m_wordsGiven);

        emit wordsGivenChanged(count);



// Executes when guessed correctly

void HanGame::setWordsGuessedCorrectly(int count)


    if (m_wordsGuessedCorrectly != count) {

        m_wordsGuessedCorrectly = count;

        m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/wordsGuessedCorrectly", m_wordsGuessedCorrectly);

        emit wordsGuessedCorrectlyChanged(count);



void HanGame::setVowelsAvailable(int count)


    if (m_vowelsAvailable != count) {

        m_vowelsAvailable = count;

        m_persistentSettings.setValue("Hangman/vowelsAvailable", m_vowelsAvailable);

        emit vowelsAvailableChanged(count);



void HanGame::registerLetterBought(const QChar &letter)


    if (m_lettersOwned.contains(letter))



    emit lettersOwnedChanged();

    if (!m_word.contains(letter))

        emit errorCountChanged();


// Finding random words

void HanGame::chooseRandomWord()


    QMutexLocker locker(&m_lock);

    if (m_wordList.isEmpty())


    m_word =>bounded(m_wordList.size()));

    emit wordChanged();


void HanGame::initWordList()


    QMutexLocker locker(&m_lock);

    QFile file(":/enable2.txt");

    if ( {

        QByteArray allData = file.readAll();

        QBuffer buffer(&allData);

        if (!

           qFatal("Couldn't open buffer for reading!");

        while (!buffer.atEnd()) {

            QByteArray ba = buffer.readLine().trimmed().toUpper();

            if (!ba.isEmpty() && ba.length() < 10)






int HanGame::calculateEarnedVowels()


    int total = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < m_word.length(); ++i) {

        if (isVowel(QString(m_word[i])) && !m_lettersOwned.contains(QString(m_word[i])))



    return total;


int HanGame::calculateEarnedPoints()


    int total = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < m_word.length(); ++i) {

        if (consonants().contains(QString(m_word[i])) && !m_lettersOwned.contains(QString(m_word[i])))



    total += 8 - errorCount();

    return total;


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