
In: Computer Science

Create a PYTHON program that lets a user guess a number from 1 to 1,000: -i...

Create a PYTHON program that lets a user guess a number from 1 to 1,000:

-i used random.randint(1,1000)

-must give hints like (pick a lower/higher number) which i already did

-tell the user when he has repeated a number (help)

-the game only ends when you guess the number (help)

-you loose $50 every failed attempt (done)

****I did it as a while loop



Expert Solution


import random

random_number = random.randint(1,1000)

print("Welcome to random number game")
guessed_values = [] ### List is made to keep track of the guessed values
while(1): ### Infinite loop, stops only when breaked
    number = int(input("Pick a number between 1-1000: "))
    if number in guessed_values: ### If number in the list, then tell that number is repeated.
        print("You are repeating this number, you aleardy tried it")
    elif number == random_number:
        print("Wow! You guessed it Right")
        print("Total_lose = ${}".format(len(guessed_values)*50))
        break #### Game ends when guessed right
    elif number > random_number:
        print("Pick a lower number")
        print("Pick a higher number")





import random

random_number = random.randint(1,1000)

print("Welcome to random number game")
guessed_values = [] ### List is made to keep track of the guessed values
count = 0
while(1): ### Infinite loop, stops only when breaked
    number = int(input("Pick a number between 1-1000: "))
    if number in guessed_values: ### If number in the list, then tell that number is repeated.
        count += 1
        if count == 1:
            print("Warning! Repeated value ($10 will be deducted from next attempt for every repeated value)")
        if count > 1:
            print("Repeated Value, $10 deducted")
    elif number == random_number:
        print("Wow! You guessed it Right")
        print("Total_lose = ${}".format(len(guessed_values)*50 + (count-1) * 10))
        break #### Game ends when guessed right
    elif number > random_number:
        print("Pick a lower number")
        print("Pick a higher number")


NOTE:- In this $10 is deducted every time on repeating value after the first warning. Eg:- If 2 times repeated after warning, then $20 panelty added in last.


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