
In: Psychology

Consider some of your primary interests (e.g. hobbies, favorite media, preferable activities). How did you develop...

Consider some of your primary interests (e.g. hobbies, favorite media, preferable activities). How did you develop an interest in these things? What experiences helped you develop an interest? Did you have any mentors or guides who aided the process? What would you do to introduce someone to interest?


Expert Solution

I am having some of the hobbies like reading, cooking and gardening.

I developed these hobbies since my childhood (somewhere between 8 years- 14 years).

My father was a voracious reader and he expected that i should also be interested in reading. He used to purchase comix and small "Biographies for children" in the begining. Gradually i shifted to fiction, non fiction, novels, poetry, travelogues etc. Today, i am known as a fine reader and this has indeed elevated my confidence level.

My mother is just fabulous at cooking. She learned various dishes/ menu from her mother and some of the friends. She regularly watches "Cooking programs" on Television. I used to cooperate her in kitchen and gradually "Cooking became my hobby". I can cook food according to the ways of around 12 countries and equal number of cultures too.

When i was a school boy, a social worker who was pretty popular had come as a "Guest speaker" for all of us. He had planted around 85000 trees. During his one hour talk, he elaborated the significance of trees and in the end dropped a message to plant more trees and thereby contribute to nature conservation. It really appealed to me and since that day, i have nurtured "Gardening" as my hobby.

I have been sharing my experiences regarding my hobbies with many people- my friends, relatives, neighbours and even school children. I am invited at some schools and non profit organisations for delivering lectures on my hobbies, specifically, gardening.

I have been creatively using "Social media" to reach to the more audience/ readers/ people.

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