
In: Operations Management

1-Management function 2-conflict process 3-Playing safe 4-Impression management 5-Role conflict write a report about each of...

1-Management function

2-conflict process

3-Playing safe

4-Impression management

5-Role conflict

write a report about each of the five topics you have chosen. Your report should cover the following points:

• A thorough explanation of the topic.

• Why is the topic important for you? Why did you choose this topic in particular?

• Give a story from your own experience in which you can relate to this topic. How did you react at that time? If you can go back in time, what would you do different?

• How can you build your future career (after your graduation) using this topic?

The length of your report shall not exceed 10 pages (2 pages for each of the five topics).


Expert Solution

Q. Write a report about each of the five topics you have chosen :

1-Management function:

Management is the process of getting things done through others. The main aim of management is to achieve the organisational goals while using the organisational resources most effectively.  Five functions of Management are:

  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Staffing
  • Directing/Leading
  • Controlling

Planning: Planning implies decision-making as to what is to be done, how it is to be done, when it is to be done and by whom it is to done. Planning helps in achieving the objectives efficiently and effectively. Planning involves selecting of objectives and strategies, policies and programmes and procedures for achieving them. Planning function is performed by managers at every level because planning may either be for the entire enterprise or for any section or department thereof. Planning pervades the entire gamut of managerial activity, and also it is continuous and never-ending.

Organizing: organising involves bringing together the manpower and material resources for the achievement of objectives laid down by the Enterprise.  It’s about using the plan to bring together the physical, financial and other available resources and use them to achieve the organizational goal. This function is vital because it ensures there is structure to the operations. You are aware of the resources and you ensure they are used in a manner that best helps the company to achieve its targets.

Staffing: Staffing involves manning the organisational structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure. Staffing function is a difficult managerial function because it is concerned with the selection of persons who are properly qualified and mentally well-adjusted to the situations. Staffing also guarantees the staff you have is qualified to perform the tasks and that they are adequately supported in those roles. This will further deepen the organizational efficiency, since people are motivated and qualified to work towards the common objective.

Directing: This function is also referred to as the influencing or the leading function of management. Directing is about the actuation of the methods to work efficiently to achieve the set organizational objectives. Directing is about looking after productivity and ensuring productivity is going up instead of decreasing. The function delves deeper inside human interaction, making the manager motivate, communicate and inspire his or her personnel. At this stage, you are meeting and connecting with your employees to find out how the tasks are going. You would talk to them about the new marketing program, get their feedback on the project and spend time inspiring them with new ideas. The directing function is all about the day-to-day interaction between the management and the staff.

Controlling: This function ensures the above four functions are followed correctly and the flow of work is moving the Organization towards the objectives it has set itself. For control to be effective and fruitful, it must be based on a plan; there must be measurement of actual performance to ascertain deviations and to take action to remedy the deviations. Controlling’s most important function is the risk-reduction ability. Since you are essentially monitoring the performance of the team and comparing it against the objectives you’ve set, you can react to problems more easily

2. Conflict Process:

A conflict is a clash of interests. A Conflict in Inevitable. Unresolved conflicts decreases productivity and lowers performance. In 1967, Pondy developed a process model of conflict which is very useful in understanding how conflict starts and what stages it goes through. Pondy identifies five stages :

Latent Conflict : Latent conflict is the stage in which factors exist in the situation which could become potential conflict inducing forces.

Perceived Conflict : Conflicts may, sometimes, arise even if no conditions of latent conflict exist. This is the stage when one party perceives the other to be likely to thwart or frustrate his or her goals. The case in which conflict is perceived when no latent conflict arises, is said to result from the parties misunderstanding each other's true position. Such conflict can be resolved by improving communication between the groups.

Felt Conflict : Felt conflict is the stage when the conflict is not only perceived but actually felt and cognized. For example, A may be aware that he is in serious argument with B over some policy. But this may not make A tense or anxious and it may have no effect, whatsoever, on A's affection towards B

Manifest Conflict : Manifest conflict is the stage when the two parties engage in behaviours which evoke responses from each other. The most obvious of these responses are open aggression, apathy, sabotage, withdrawal and perfect obedience to rules

Conflict Aftermath : The aftermath of a conflict may have positive or negative repercussions for the organization depending upon how the conflict is resolved. If the conflict is genuinely resolved to the satisfaction of all participants, the basis for a more co-operative relationship may be laid; or the participants in their drive for a more ordered relationship may focus on latent conflicts not previously perceived and dealt with. On the other hand, if the conflict is merely suppressed but not resolved, the latent conditions of conflict may be aggravated and explode in a more serious form until they are rectified

How to manage Conflict:

1. Establishing Common Goals

2. Reduction in Interdependence

3. Reduction in Shared Resources

4. Trust and Communication

5. Co-ordination

6. Exchange of Personnel

7. Use of Superior Authority

8. Reorganization of Group; People who have got something in common will be placed in one group.

3-Playing safe:

Playing Safe is not a good suggestion specially looking it in long term perspective. We may feel safe to be stuck at same position/ level/responsibility within an Organisation; or, you have been consistently doing same thing at same place in an Organisation for long time. Today, world is changing fast and so does the business prospects and way of doing business. Businesses/ Organisation like Employees who would like to take risk, learn new skills and prove themselves at everypoint. It's a competitive environment like never before and to excel and avoid being thrown out by a smarter Competitor One needs to keep updating himslsef in terms of his personality, knowledge and necessary skills sets that this Industry is looking forward to today. Cosnider the latest case of ongoing " Corona Virus" . World has come to standstill and businesses have almost shut. When lockdown opens business dimensions will change and only People to excel would be who has leraned to change with time and has acquired skills and gained knowledge to meet new challenges.

4-Impression management:

Impression management is both a conscious and subconscious process in which people attempt to influence the perceptions of others by portraying themselves in a manner that creates a good impression. It is about the way we look, the way we speak and the way we behave in public or online.  Not only is impression management a key component of personal branding but it also has a direct impact on your company and the brand you represent. Based on the impressions you leave with people, you could get promoted, sign a new client, and close a big sale. Hence, the impression we create can have a major impact on your personal and professional success.

6 Tips on how to manage the impression you make on others

1. Be Self Aware- You should inherently know - Who you are, what you value and what you stand for. You should refrain from becoming someone who simply tries to fit in and go along with the crowd.

2. Be Thoughtful and Prudent. When engaging others, work at being an effective listener and try and be open to others’ points of view. Self-disclosure is an important part of forming a good relationship with others, but you also need to be careful to not disclose too much information too fast, and always consider how the other person will react to what you tell them. It's like opening your cards slowly and smartly.

3. Master Your Emotions. Nothing creates a negative impression faster than an inappropriate emotional outburst. Emotions are important in connecting with others, but it is important to regulate and moderate your emotions and your emotional displays. A good leader must be able to exercise emotional restraint at all times.

4. Observe Rules of Etiquette. There are a wide range of social rules, or “norms” that tell us how we should behave in various social situations. To maintain a positive impression, it is critical to follow these social norms and demonstrate that you have manners and know how to behave in different situations.

5. Have Courage and Conviction. There are times when you need to be socially bold and courageous. It is important to stand up for principles that you believe in, particularly in positions of leadership. Others will respect you for being true to your convictions.

6. Be Positive. Be optimisitic and enthusiaitic . It's about a habit and seeing the brighter side of coin always. Leaders who are optimistic and display positive attributes are rated as more far effective by their followers.

5-Role conflict:

Role conflict happens when there are contradictions between different roles that a person takes on or plays in their everyday life. Persons experience role conflict when they find themselves pulled in various directions as they try to respond to the many statuses they hold at the same time. Two types of conflict are:

- intra-role conflict, which occurs when incompatibility exists within a single role.

- On the other hand, interrole conflict occurs when two or more roles are incompatible with each other. One form of interrole conflict occurs when individuals must behave in a particular way in one role that is inconsistent with the way they must behave in another role. For example, a business executive might be required to act authoritatively toward subordinates, but would be expected to act differently when socializing with friends.

- Conflict between work and family life is another form of interrole conflict.

Role conflict is largely the result of ineffective managerial behaviors. Also, Ineffective organizational policies are a direct cause of some forms of role conflict.

Some of the consequences of Role Conflict at a workplace are:

  • Overall job dissatisfaction
  • Dissatisfaction with work tasks
  • Dissatisfaction with supervision
  • Dissatisfaction with coworkers
  • Dissatisfaction with pay
  • Dissatisfaction with promotional opportunities
  • Low organizational commitment
  • Low job involvement
  • Turnover intention
  • Poor job performance

Treatment of Role Conflict:

Many of the treatments for role conflict require the involvement of supervisors. Supervisors, for example, could be trained to identify behaviors that encourage role conflict and could be trained to modify those behaviors. Some forms of role conflict are the direct result of organizational policies such as: not having the required training or equipment to effectively satisfy one’s role requirements. Some role conflict occurs because employees’ personal values are incompatible with the role requirements of their jobs. To deal with this Organisations should only hire job applicants who have a good fit with the job requirements.

Q. Give a story from your own experience in which you can relate to this topic.

I have now 13 years of work experience in the Industry. And, the topics that you have chosen to describe are very relevant at workplaces. Everyone goes through it and who so ever is best skilled will survive. Like, due to my emotional outbursts in opressure situations i have realised that I cannot be a Good Leader. I'm very hinest and dedciated and have a high level of association with my Companies I have worked with. So, I'm a very good individual Performer, can work in a Team but lack characteristics of being a good Leader.

I have a good , healthy relationship in my Organisation with my colleagues. I prefer to work with everyone and i ;m a person who likes to " mind your own business" . When you leave College and enter Corporate World you start applying theories learned in practical world. Everything cannot be as per your desires. You have to adjust to new situations and have to be flexible. This avoids conflicts. Be professional in dealing with People and situations.

When you start working be always watchful and careful of your job responsibilites. You should clearly define a role for yourself in your Organisation. This will have direct impact on your performance, appraisals and your relationship with your Seniors and colleagues.

Q. How can you build your future career (after your graduation) using this topic?

These topics should help you to understand these aspects of a work culture at work place. You may accordingly, choose Organisation and be selective in your approach. Real world outside college campus is quite different. You should be aware of your skills and the roles and responsibilites that you would be choosing in your Organisation. These topis should make you a bter person and help you to adjust as the situation may be.


I have tried to be specific in answering the questions put forward by You. Hope this will be inline with your requirements.

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