
In: Physics

A plane electromagnetic wave with magnetic field amplitude 0.02 T is propagating through a vacuum. What...

  1. A plane electromagnetic wave with magnetic field amplitude 0.02 T is propagating through a vacuum.
  1. What is the electric field amplitude?                                B) What is the magnitude of the Poynting vector?

C. If the wavelength is 500 nm what is the wave frequency and the energy of a single photon?

D. How many of these photons must pass through a square meter each second to yield the power flux calculated in part B?


Expert Solution

The magnetic field amplitude is given by
The electric field amplitude is

The magnitude of the Poynting vector is

Given the wavelength
the wave frequency is

And so, the energy of the single photon is

  So, the number of photons moving per second per square meter to yield the power flux calculated in part B, is given by

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