In: Physics
At some time t the time-varying magnetic field component of an electromagnetic wave is pointed in the -xˆ direction. If the electromagnetic wave velocity is in the -zˆ direction, what is the direction of the time-varying electric field component of this wave at t?
Please explain the reasoning behind the answer
A. yˆ
B. -yˆ
C. -zˆ
D. zˆ
Electromagnetic (EM) waves are changing electric and magnetic fields, transporting energy and momentum through space. EM waves are solutions of Maxwell's equations, which are the fundamental equations of electrodynamics. EM waves require no medium, they can travel through empty space. Sinusoidal plane waves are one type of electromagnetic waves. Not all EM waves are sinusoidal plane waves, but all electromagnetic waves can be viewed as a linear superposition of sinusoidal plane waves traveling in arbitrary directions. A plane EM wave traveling in the x-direction is of the form