
In: Physics

The components of the electric field in an electromagnetic wave traveling in vacuum are described by...

The components of the electric field in an electromagnetic wave traveling in vacuum are described by
Ex = 0, Ey = 0, and
Ez = 2.84 sin(8.73x - ωt) V/m, where x is measured in meters and t in seconds. Calculate the frequency of the wave.

Tries 0/99

Calculate the wavelength of the wave.

Tries 0/99

Calculate the amplitude of the magnetic field of the wave.

Tries 0/99

Calculate the intensity of the wave.

Tries 0/99


Expert Solution

EM Wave 27 E = 2.84 Sin (8.73x - wt) W/m where the general form of the electrie field of an E = E Sin (Ka-wt) / where K= 27 is the ware Vector. Comparing both & wave function k=8.73 => 2T = 8.73 = 2 = 0.72 7 e = 0.72 where e = 7 L a velocity of - 0.72 light in Vacuum = 3x108 HZ 0.72 » = 4.2 X100 HZ The frequency of the ware is 4.2x103 42 The wavelength of the wave x = 0.72 m How in Vacuum the velocity of electromagnetic have e = E. [Eo ampuitude of electric field 7 Boy amplitude of electrie field >B. - E -9.5x159T im LO 2.84 XOS

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