
In: Psychology

A woman is pregnant. She finds out that the baby she is carrying has spina bifida....

A woman is pregnant. She finds out that the baby she is carrying has spina bifida. She can’t decide whether to terminate the pregnancy or not. Assume that she can legally do so if that is her choice. Resolve the issue using the 7 step decision model.  

1. Define the precise ethical issue

2. Identify the major principles, rules, and values

3.Specify the Determine the facts

4. alternatives

5. Compare values and alternatives

6. Assess the consequences

7. Make a decision


Expert Solution

Precise Ethical issue:

A problem or situation that must evaluate to knowv wheather it is right (ethical) or wrong(unethical) .here ethical issue is to terminate the pregnancy is unethical because law does not support abortion.on the other hand child also suffer disabilty of spina bifidia .in this context , she must be evaluate while taking alternative right decision.

major principle:

The respect for autonomy:

We have to respect the other person autonomy.this is also called principle of human dignity..

The principle of Beneficance:

We have obligation to bring good in our all action.

The principle of of justice:

We have an obligation to provide others with whatever they are deserved equally.


The fact is that unborn child is suffered in spins befidia and mother can't take decision whether she terminate the pregnancy or not. If she terminate the pregnancy then its opposed moral ethics .on the other hand, its also make trouble to born defective child.


He alternative way is to terminate pregnancy .

5. Values talks about not terminate pregnancy or abortion.

And alternative is terminate the pregnancy .

6. If the women accept the moral ethics and not terminate the pregnancy then she will accept a diable child whether she terminate pregnancy then face the problem of unethical issue and abide the law which also be harmful.


If we are continuously engaged ourselves to reject disable unborn children then we will not go ahead in prospective women should accept the child and should not terminate the pregnancy.professionals should change their pessimistic view on long term progonisis and need to counsel parents about make understand of medical advancement and its out come with dealing this disability.

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