
In: Computer Science

Do a search for a product of your choice on two search engines. Examine the results...

Do a search for a product of your choice on two search engines. Examine the results page carefully. Can you distinguish which results, if any, are a result of a paid placement? If so, how did you determine this? What other marketing communications related to your search appear on the page?


Expert Solution

Q.Do a search for a product of your choice on two search engines. Examine the results page carefully. Can you distinguish which results, if any, are a result of a paid placement? If so, how did you determine this? What other marketing communications related to your search appear on the page?


Some of other advertising tools include search engines, display ad marketing, viral marketing, and affiliate marketing. Search engine is one of the commonly used tools by marketers. Search engines are used in branding of products as its use has significant support for direct sales. Types of search engine advertising are sponsored links also known as keyword paid inclusion,keyword advertising and context advertising. Search engine do have their unique manner of operation. actually When we searched a particular product using the multiple search engines available, majority of the engines brought the same site at the topmost of the results. This means that this was a paid placement.

  • Google search results analysis:

The first results that shows is online shops that are selling Marshall speakers. This is a recommendation by Google’s algorithm and not a paid ad by the companies who are selling the speaker. The second result is a link to the official Marshall brand online store who manufactures and sells these speakers. This is in fact a paid advertisement by Marshall themselves which is indicated by a little text that says “paid ad” next to the result. This makes a lot of sense, since Marshall would want to try to redirect anyone looking for Marshall speakers to their official store. The rest of the search results are just links to other online stores selling Marshall speakers, mostly consisting of Amazon links.

  • Bing search results analysis:

A similar search result is displayed by Bing. The first results show links to online stores who are selling Marshall speakers. A difference in the results from Bing compared to Google is that there are two ads that are paid for by companies who are selling Marshall speakers. Both Marshall’s official store and Amazon have paid Bing to show their websites among the first in the results list. The rest of the results are only the “other” online stores who are selling Marshall speakers, again, most of them consists of Amazon links.

  • Yahoo search results analysis:

Yahoo’s search results differ a lot from the previous search engines. Firstly, Yahoo displays a company summary of Marshall. This might have to do with that Yahoo is nowadays focusing on being a website for financial numbers and the stock market. After the company summary, Yahoo displays almost only links to the official Marshall store, as well as, some links to Amazon. I think that this has to do with the fact that their algorithm is a little simpler than Bing and Google, and thus, displays the sites with the most common words along with your search. There are no paid ad spaces by companies on Yahoo’s results either.

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